MySpace, HR 4437 and youth activism

For good reason, many Americans are outraged by HR 4437, a House bill that will stiffen the penalties around illegal immigration. Over the weekend, protests began with over 500,000 people taking to the streets on Saturday. Online, teens wrote bulletin board posts on MySpace, encouraging their peers to speak out against the bill. On Monday, instigated through MySpace postings, thousands of teens across the country walked out of school and marched in protest. In Los Angeles alone, 36,000 students walked out and took to the streets. Throughout the country, thousands of teens walked out in protest.

I am in awe of what these students did. As a population, teens are silenced by society, ineligible to vote. And yet, they took to the streets to stand up for what they believe in. They used the digital public to rally each other, to spread information and encouragement even though most knew they faced disapproving schools. They stood in solidarity, speaking out for an oppressed population that resides in this country. How amazing is that?

What disappoints me the most is how school officials, law enforcement and the press handled the situation. We bitch about how young people are not politically engaged, but when they speak out for something that hegemonic society disapproves of, they are slapped down. Ah, the irony.

Public officials and school administrators spoke out against the students’ actions. Quoting these figures, the press gave the impression that administrators were concerned for the safety of their students. The discussions on MySpace painted a different picture as students discussed how schools would be docked $50 for each student who did not attend. In admonishing the students, administrators told the press that kids should return to school where they can have conversations about immigration in a “productive” way. The tone was quite condescending, arguing that a school day is more important than this political act. When LA Mayor Villaraigosa spoke to the young protesters, he said: “You’ve come today, you registered your commitment to your families, your opposition to the Sensenbrenner legislation, but it’s time to go back to school.” I am particularly bothered by Villaraigosa’s statements given his activist history and stance on immigrants.

In some towns, teens were charged with truancy for participating in the protest. Many students are faced with detentions and other punishments for their participation.

And people wonder why teens don’t engage politically…..

Of course, what is most depressing is how the press covered the story. The first coverage i heard was from NPR where they had soundbytes of youth stumbling, trying to explain why they were protesting. The coverage made them look stupid and naive and the commentator talked about how the youth were uninformed.

Now, not all of the protesting youth fully understood what they were speaking out against. Yet, most did. At the very least, they understood that something was gravely wrong about the bill. Yet, many students were quite informed. Articulate students spoke about how the bill represented a form of racist oppression that would permit racial profiling. Other spoke about the fundamental problems with the economic system, about how Mexicans are a critical labor force that is systematically oppressed. Other kids talked about how their parents came to this country to give them a chance. They crafted banners and posters, brought flags to signify the diversity of cultures that people came from, chanted about Cesar Chavez and human rights.

And still, the press talked about how the students were just looking for a day off school. Almost every story covered that aspect. There is no doubt that some students were looking for exactly that. Then again, there were plenty of adults protesting the war so that they didn’t have to go to work. Yet, the news never talked about truant adults.

By trivializing the youths’ participation, the press failed to capture the significance of this political act. How long has it been since so many students took a public stance? Has it been since Vietnam?

What is gained by belittling the students, punishing their act, and pooh-poohing their engagement with the public sphere? Sadly, this is yet-another act of ageist oppression meant to silence the youth when they stand for something that contradicts hegemonic values.


One of the things that really bothers me about how this story played out concerns the issue of race and class. I wonder how a protest would be handled if privileged white kids all took to the streets backed by their parents. By listening to these teens speak out, it is clear that anti-Mexican sentiments are running high in this country.

The issue of illegal immigrants is raw with racism and injustice. On one hand, we are a land of immigrants (who decimated the native population). On the other, we have a fucked-up attitude about who has the right to be here. And that does not include people who come to do manual labor or people who speak a language that threatens English dominance.

To complicate matters, a huge portion of the economy of the southwest and California depends on illegal immigrants. Who picks the strawberries that you eat? Who works in the meat factories? Who cleans the toilets? How often do officials look the other way during harvest only to violently deport the immigrants once they are no longer needed? I often hear people bitch about how illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans and use up our precious tax money. Of course, these people fail to recognize that most Americans refuse to do the jobs that illegal immigrants do and that this population deserves some dignity and access to resources for what they contribute to this society.

I’m quite curious what will happen to privileged society if all illegal immigrants are deported. Will there be a food shortage? How much will the cost of everything rise?

Unfortunately, i doubt that this bill will do anything to help the people who are the backbone of American manual labor. I doubt it will improve labor conditions and it certainly won’t improve race relations. This is quite unfortunate, because i definitely don’t think that the current approach to immigrants is just. Where is Cesar Chavez when you need him?


Update: NPR has a great short piece on the issue of students walking out.

It’s actually really good to hear the principal in this segment talk about her conflicted feelings – she makes it very clear that she needs to keep the students in school for the money (Fresno loses $30 a day for each absent student). What adminstrators are offering students as an alternative (write letters to your representatives) is not nearly as empowering as walking out. IMHO, the students aren’t stupid – they know that walking out of school will get the press attention and make the issue far more visible than writing letters. They also know that doing it on a school day instead of on a weekend will make it very clear that youth care and that they aren’t just there because of their parents. They were written out of the stories of Saturday’s protests (even though they were very present). By making their own, they are saying loud and clear that this isn’t acceptable to the younger generation.

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106 thoughts on “MySpace, HR 4437 and youth activism

  1. Sian Lloyd

    Hi Danah
    Can we get hold of a head & shoulders colour photo of you to use alongside a slot which sites you as a blog guru for Guardian Newspapers?
    Bit urgent!
    Thanks S

  2. Dossy Shiobara

    “The discussions on MySpace painted a different picture as students discussed how schools would be docked $50 for each student who did not attend.”

    Does anyone know if this is factually true? If so, the students should hold a second rally, to refuse to go back to school until all students who have had disciplinary actions taken against them by the schools be allowed to return to school with no repercussions.

    Student strike. See how long the schools want to hold out, losing money.

  3. Peter

    Student strike I like it.

    Great blogpost. Why isn’t the blogosphere all over this and other important issues instead of arguing about the next web 2.0 thing? Maybe I’m hanging out in all the wrong places.

  4. Michael Pate

    A bunch of wannabe-rebellious teenagers in Lala Land got riled up by some accomplished neo-Socialist organizers and decided it would be cool to cut class for a day and this is some awe inspiring event? I would be impressed if it happened here in the heart of Florida’s citrus region where we actually tend to rely quite a bit on illegal Mexican labor. The fact that those doing the protesting are those in our society furthest removed from what they are protesting about speaks volumes.

  5. Oren Sreebny

    I was in high school during the height of the Vietnam War at the end of the 60s and beginning of the 70s and the situation was very similar – lots of students were leaving school to be at protests, schools were clamping down to try and prevent it, and even then adults were complaining about apathetic youth.

    Sad to see that not much has changed when our generation is in charge.

    Keep up the great work, Danah!

  6. nikkiana

    What disappoints me the most is how school officials, law enforcement and the press handled the situation. We bitch about how young people are not politically engaged, but when they speak out for something that hegemonic society disapproves of, they are slapped down. Ah, the irony.

    Maybe I’m just saying this because I’m young and haven’t seen older adults act any different, but it seems representitive of the issues regarding control that a portion of our current 40something and 50something population have… Meaning, they have to be IN control at ALL times or else prone to fits of rage and threatening until they’re back in control or they’re given control of what they don’t have control of.

    Sometimes I wonder if the real reason some parents and persons in positions of authority are so upset over MySpace is because it’s a sphere onto which they have no control…

  7. zephoria

    Michael – most of the students who walked out in California are Latino and Mexican. They were not organized by adults – they organized themselves. While Florida definitely employs a huge immigrant workforce, the history of Mexican labor in California is long and sordid. Many of these kids would be directly affected by the bill – their parents and neighbors would be arrested. Because of geographical proximity, border dramas are a daily issue for those living in Southern California. Even more so than in Florida.

    There were though protests in other parts of the country. The largest was Los Angeles with San Diego following. Throughout California, teens walked out. Latino kids also walked out in other states affected by immigration patterns, including Florida. Unfortunately, very little of this was covered by the press. At least the largest scale protests were.

    Oren – yes… i am very disgusted by the Vietnam generation who, once in power, has reinstated the fucked up dynamics that it fought so hard against. I can’t wait for the draft. ::grumble:: There’s nothing like forcing others to go through what you went through to relieve yourself of your anger.

  8. Roger Benningfield

    “As a population, teens are silenced by society, ineligible to vote.”

    Danah: They’re also seldom held financially or socially responsible for their actions, get lighter prison sentences, have specific social protection applied to them by the government, and so on. “Silenced” makes minors (“teens” include those who are 18 and 19, after all) sound like some sort of oppressed sub-culture, when they’re actually one of the most incredibly privileged sectors of any society in history.

    “…but when they speak out for something that hegemonic society disapproves of, they are slapped down.”

    They didn’t simply speak out. They could have done that on Saturday. They walked out of school, a place they’re required to attend by law.

    I’m not decrying the students’ actions, by the way… I disagree with what I perceive as their political perspective, but I’ve got no problem with them standing up for something they believe. Controversial action comes with consequence, though.

    ::And people wonder why teens don’t engage politically…

    I think the better question is why they don’t engage until they have a chance for a skip day?

    ::The coverage made them look stupid and naive and the commentator talked about how the youth were uninformed.

    Most *people* are stupid, naive, and uninformed. It’s pretty easy to find rambling incoherence in this country… up to and including high government office. Honestly, what you’re describing seems to be an *absence* of media spin. We’ve all grown accustomed to seeing adult activists of all stripes given more credit as a whole than they deserve, so it really leaps out at ya when the press gives a more accurate picture of a situation.

    ::What is gained by belittling the students, punishing their act, and pooh-poohing their engagement with the public sphere?

    What is gained by not questioning their motives, and allowing a rebellious act of social responsibility to have no repercussions on those responsible? A walk-out on the job is meaningless if you’re not going to lose a day’s pay, and a walk-out at school is trivial if it won’t bite you on the ass.

  9. crzwdjk

    Yeah, and Rosa Parks could have stood by the bus stop with a placard, but instead she got on and sat down in the front of that bus, a place she was prohibited from sitting by law.
    The teens walked out because that way they got attention, and because once you have all those people together in one place, it’s that much easier to get them to all leave at once. And even if it were JUST people wanting to get a day off school, what does that say about our school system, that kids are desperate enough to organize on such a massive scale just to get out of it.

  10. Olga

    “I’m quite curious what will happen to privileged society if all illegal immigrants are deported. Will there be a food shortage? How much will the cost of everything rise?”

    –check out the movie A Day Without A Mexican.. which attempts to illustrate that particular point.

  11. Crystal

    I would find their actions much more impressive if they would spend any time outside of school protesting. However, as soon as three o’clock hit, the students were home.

    Also, part of utilizing one’s freedom of speech is realizing that there are consequences to that freedom of speech. If I were to miss work to go to a protest, there would be consequences to that. The students *should* be counted as truant unless their parents call and excuse their absences.

    Why shouldn’t we encourage legal immigration? I get so tired of people focusing on how illegals do the jobs that others don’t want to. So we should continue to encourage business owners in their exploitation of these workers? That seems like a ridiculous solution.

    Now, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t like the house bill either. However, I do believe we should have immigration laws. Every other country does. Why is it evil and racist when the U.S. does it?

  12. sthomson

    Why is it evil and racist when the U.S. does it?

    The laws themselves are not technically rascist, but the sentiments expressed by many anti-immigration supporters are. I live in Southern California, and I have recieved “letters” from Congressman David Dreier that are frankly misinformed and smack of rascist sentiments towards “Un-American” elements. Just because they’ve entered our country illegally doesn’t mean mean these people aren’t HUMAN. That’s what supporters ultimately want – for all people to be treated humanely.

  13. Jessica

    When most of you discuss the fanatical need for control that baby boomers have, you have no idea how right you are and you have no idea how intimadated they are by you.

  14. adamsj

    I’ll see your urban high schoolers and raise you some small-town junior high school students:

    Students Protest Immigration Bill
    By Steve Caraway
    The Morning News

    SPRINGDALE — A group of students walked off the George Junior High School campus Tuesday morning in protest of proposed legislation affecting illegal immigrants.

    The walkout, by 36 mostly Hispanic students, came after a national protest Friday drew extensive media coverage, especially in the Hispanic media.

    “We had a couple of students who were very concerned over the issues,” said David Nelson, George principal. “I think the other students joined in when the first ones suggested it.”

    The students walked off campus at the start of the school day, Nelson said. Some of the students were later picked up by parents, while others returned to class…

  15. Alex

    I immigrated to the US in 1999; it took a lot of time, money and emotional effort. It was a really hard thing to go through and I sometimes questioned if it was all worth it. Since I’ve been in America, I’ve paid my taxes, adapted to American culture (though I keep my culture at home) but haven’t become a citizen because I plan at sometime to return home.

    So for me, it really bothers me when people come to the country without having to go through the steps I went through. I wasn’t rich, I didn’t have a degree, I probably wasn’t “desirable” but I went through the legal steps and have paid my dues since.

    I now live in L.A. and I could tell you why from experience, illegal immigration doesn’t work. The rich really benefit from it here. It does take away jobs from legal residents. Why? If you didn’t have illegal workers, you’d have to pay more for the jobs to get people who wouldn’t normally work them, work them. LA is expensive; a lot of people can’t afford to work under the table except those who have no choice. Who does the help, really, in the long run? I’m sure a lot of people would take housekeeping jobs on the legal side but can’t get them because most of the jobs are underpaid and under the table.

    If you choose to go to a country, I fully believe you must go through the system and then be a part of that system.

  16. James Robertson

    A couple of things:

    1) Students should be in school. If they decide to opt out and protest, there should be consequences. If they don’t like those consequences, they can stay in school.

    2) Which part of “illegal” in “illegal immigrant” confuses you? My grandfather got in line and came here legally. Illegal immigrants are line jumpers.

    Tell you what – every time you go to the movies, I’ll jump the line – and I’ll tell you how I’m being oppressed when you complain.

  17. Jeff

    One of the freedoms of our country is to protest or voice an opinion whenever and almost wherever you like. However, I think the kids are being misled on how to protest this H.R. 4437 bill.

    To be heard correctly you need to act like you love this country. Not marching up and down the streets carrying another countries flag. And, not carrying the American flag only to light it on fire and burn it. If you are going to protest, show the love you have for this country and how you only want a better life for you and yours.

    Now the H.R. 4437 bill a huge step in the right direction and will only make a better life for you and your kids when you grow up. Think about it. Our country has grown to 12+ million illegal immigrants in only a short period of time. If nothing is done now, then when your kids become teenagers or young adults. They will not have the luxuries and the lifestyles that we are afforded now. Why? Because the �American Way� as you see it now will be gone. Just look in places like Southern California. In some areas you would swear you were in another country.

    Hordes of immigrants coming into our country will undoubtedly bring their bad cultures as well. So in the end all they are doing is leaving a bad life in one country and porting it to another.

    Now don’t get me wrong. Not all immigrants are bad. But without a regulated flow and accountability of who is coming in. You are going to get the gang bangers and thugs from those countries as well and that is what I am totally against.

  18. Michael Chui

    I am a student, and I have never participated in a walk out. My reason is that my daily education is more important to me than the tiny bits the students rallying the walk out deign to broadcast; for the past five years, all I’ve heard is, “We’re doing a walk out. Let’s go!”

    A fair percentage of these students, on the other hand, actually DID know what they were marching for.

    If a law is not just, you do not obey it.

    Rosa Parks did something illegal. In fact, that was the whole reason she was special. She decided not to obey the law. Neither did Gandhi. The entire point is intentional disobedience of the law.

    Remember that the law is a constantly changing corpus. It reflects the beliefs and norms of society, and allows for the reconciliation between differing viewpoints. What is legal today may be illegal tomorrow, because we’ve decided it’s wrong. What’s illegal today may be legal tomorrow, because we’ve decided it’s fine. What’s undecided may be either, because society has changed its beliefs.

    Illegal means that society says it’s wrong. Protestors make it a point to disagree with that. To purposefully disobey the law is to demonstrate that point; these students couldn’t declare themselves non-citizens, so they disobeyed a different law: walking out of class.

    My parents got in line and got here legally, too. But if they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have been much worse off.

    If you had to jump the line because someone would have shot you if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t stop you. I’d help you in, assuming he didn’t move onto me, next. In which case, hell, why should I rate your survival over mine?

    Much better to let the other guy get shot, huh? Like penguins crowding the cliff; the unlucky one falls in, and if he’s eaten, well, at least no one else was. That’s ethical egoism for you.

  19. Yas

    I am a current high school student and we had a walk-out last wednesday. Although our school administration did not agree with it and niether did the police, they let us go on. They never tried to stop us from leaving campus. Before I participated in this event I made sure I was well informed. Severe punishment from schools is not acceptable. The most schools are allowed to do is give a student the same punishment they would recieve if they were cutting class. Many students were worried and complaining that they may face suspension, but in my eyes, so what, if they suspend me, its for something I believe in. I rest better at night knowing I did not keep my mouth closed and not stood up for what I believed in. The school’s may not prevent us from participating in a political protest. Yes, the media did cover those students who had no idea why they were out there and were just there so they had a reason not to attend school but most of the students out there were well informed. We had a teacher last friday say;

    ” All students who participated in the walk-out last wednesday are stupid. You are students, you have no rights as of yet. And besides, illegal immigrants have no rights so what are they fighting for? Rights that dont’t exist. If all you are going to do is walk down the street saying “Viva la Mexico” then all your asking for is to get shot. If you are SO proud of being Mexican then go back to Mexico. So if you don’t like it here then get out. Or keep your mouth shut and go to school.”

    I was hurt by this. Tears swelled in my eyes because his words were full of hate. We had other students walk around campus with an American flag chanting “KILL THEM ALL!!” while other holding banners with the American flag and underneath stating “Don’t Let Them In!” Other students called Latinos ignorant and stupid saying all Latinos have to do is apply for citizenship as soon as we get in the country and we would have nothing to complain about. Ignorant? Latinos? NO, ignortant are they who say that, if it were truly that easy we would not have this problem. Many immigrants do so, spend thousands and thousands on lawyers to be able to get citizenship and get booted out of the country anyways. My reply to them was next time be more well informed next time you say ignorant things. Too bad ignorance isn’t bliss right?

    What ever happened to give me your hungry, give me your poor?

  20. Dave

    You said ‘In some towns, teens were charged with truancy for participating in the protest. Many students are faced with detentions and other punishments for their participation.’

    So? Frankly those kids should be punished (Disclaimer: I support their cause), but if you are going to protest then you should actually be accountable for your actions.

    Little pissed me off more than those in the Vietnam era that dodged the draft by going to Canada as opposed to going to prison for their beliefs.

    If you believe in your cause enough to protest, then you should believe in your cause enough to handle the punishment. It shows commitment and makes your protest that much more important.

    Look at the effectiveness of where to join a protest all you have to do is click on a link versus the effectiveness of Cindy Sheehan. Granted the troops are still in Iraq, but she brought more attention to her movement, then a damn internet petition.

    Protesting should be more involved and should involve actual committment.

  21. Me

    These walkout students are lame. They want an excuse to A) get out of school, and B) join the many other students who think that it is cool to be a liberal. Bleeding heart liberals don’t think about the realistics of how this nation works. Yes, we need immigrants, but we don’t need the illegal ones. THEY ARE CALLED ILLEGAL FOR A REASON, BECAUSE WE CAN’T SUPPORT THEM. THE EFFECTS OF UNCONROLLED IMMIGRATION WOULD BE HARMFUL TO THE NATION’S CURRENT CITIZENS. I am a student FOR tougher immigration laws.

  22. maxon

    thank you for the article. it is very inspiring reading.

    it proves that american kids not so simple-minded as they percieved here in europe.

  23. Deirdr Straughan

    Many Italian high school students cut school to join protests against the war in Iraq when it began. It was obvious that some/many of them knew little and cared less about the issues, and were just out to have fun and join the crowd and cut school. Many went to Rome for the Pope’s funeral, for less than religious motivations.

    But no one censured or punished them for it, and the schools didn’t lose any money.

  24. Yas

    For one, immigrants who work, legally or not, pay taxes. Second, no not all students protested to cut school. Yes, many did BUT those who knew what they were protesting about did it because that’s what they believed so don’t classify everyone into one group.

  25. Kat

    “For good reason, many Americans are outraged by HR 4437”

    I beg to differ, Americans are not outraged by HR4437, they overwhelmingly support border enforcement. I believe the latest poll was somewhere around 80%.

    Unfortunately, I think all the protests are going to prove extremely counterproductive to the intended cause and will serve to have the opposite outcome.

    Why? Because most of America watching that on their TV’s at home are not feeling supportive what-so-ever to the plight of illegal aliens. And, please put aside all the PC words meant to disguise the fact they are here illegally like “undocumented immigrants” Americans are not fooled by that or buying into it. What Americans are is incredulous and angry.

    INCREDULOUS that what is claimed to be shadow-people, victims of their status living in abject fear of being found and deported are supposedly marching in the streets in plain sight waving signs, fists and Mexican flags while screaming demands from podiums into a microphone for the ‘rights’ they forewent when they entered this country illegally. That’s some audacity!

    ANGRY and getting madder with every image of the American flag being burned or usurped by other country’s flags on our own soil. Angrier at every sign waved that references “stolen land” by some know-nothing student that should be in school learning about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsden Purchase, Santa Anna and The New Mexico Purchase so that they could realize how truly ignorant they are. Angry that children of illegal aliens could attend college at discounted rates much lower than American children are even eligible for.

    The most important thing that should be pointed out though to anyone on that side of the illegal immigration issue is that……. Angry Americans can and will VOTE, enmasse!, not illegal immigrants & not high-school student surrogate protestors thrilled for a ditch-day.

    Hell, the illegal protestors don’t even have the support of legal immigrants, because legal immigrants are even more pissed that after spending tens of thousands of dollars and years of time and effort some band of protesting illegal aliens are demanding to jump in front of them in the legalization line.

    Americans (apparently everyone but McCain and Kennedy) learned that Amnesty doesn’t work. In 1986 Reagan offered amnesty and legalized 4 million illegals, who were promptly replaced with more than 12 million more. Is there any other possible outcome to another amnesty bill legalizing the 12 million plus that followed the first amnesty wave than for them to be replaced by yet another 30-50 million illegals biding their time till the next bill?

  26. Kat


    No, illegals do not pay taxes & I speak from personal knowledge. I worked for a company for several years that employed illegals and amazingly enough, every single one of them, all 80 or so were “married with 9 children” (otherwise known as tax-exempt).

    Don’t kid yourself, I did the payroll, I saw it first-hand. Apparently it’s common knowledge how to by-pass the tax system.

  27. isai

    i think that if this law passes the united staes will be different in this way who is going to do the work that the immigrants do like the mexican like get straberrys. they probley they will pay them more and get the twice that the mexicans do or any immigrant they will have problems will some countrys like there trades and the will have a lot of problems

  28. isai

    i think that if this law passes the united staes will be different in this way who is going to do the work that the immigrants do like the mexican like get straberrys. they probley they will pay them more and get the twice that the mexicans do or any immigrant they will have problems will some countrys like there trades and the will have a lot of problems. then all the hight school will have less students in the hole state and country

  29. miguel

    mega walkout
    this monday 4/10/06 walkout from your school with a group of protester and reach nearest political building. walkout after period 1 and if theres a lockdown walkout during nutrition.
    when you reach a school scream “walkout” to convinst students to walkout. post it in myspace and tell students.

  30. Baby Killa

    Hey Danah,u really can talk. All the shit{in a good way} u said is 100% true. At my school {Manatee Middle School} we’re ganna do some thing to, we hope other schools in our area see and get with us, cuz the more people that get invalved the beter.I’m from Naples, but it looks like my school is the only one that cares cuz Lely, North Naples,East Nples,Gulf something,Edison,and Naples high dont like they give a fuck.But the most fucked-up thing is that my gang{SANGRE LATINA} wants to help out and ussualy they’er like”yeah,yeah,yeah,what ever u think we give a fuck man,go away we’re smoking weed{cuz it’s a need u know}”but now they’er like”4get weed, u and Lil Choka, find out as much as u can and just tell us when the time comes to make a move” they would find out if they could but they cant cuz they are wanted 4 some shit they did,and they dont have family,well not since they got into Sangre Latina,and they arent able to go to school cuz they’ll get killed literaly by Sur 13 or La Raza or Vatos Locos or 13 Kings ar Broun Pride or some other wangsters that cant actsept the fact that we’er real. we are called Sangre Latina 4 2 things 1-we have Sangre Latina and 2-we defend Sangre Latina no mater how bad, stupid, retarded, or fucked up they are. And thats exactly what we r ganna do now,its like 4get the ganges what we got to care about now is this shit.
    Once again u really can talk, I’ll keep cheking up on this site see ya soon Dandh, what I mean is see u’r web site soon,later

  31. Mike Arnold

    I read the many commments regarding HR4437 and illegal immigration. I really don’t understand the mentality of people who welcome with open arms the millions of ILLEGAL aliens into this country. My family immigrated LEGALLY from Germany four generations ago. My great-grandparents learned to speak English and assimilated into society. There is a distinct difference in legal and illegal immigration.

    Illegal immigrants from ALL countries are a drain on our economy. Figures show that taxpayers spend an average of $55,000 on every illigal alien. It is not right that my tax dollars should pay for the education, health care and other expenses for people who break the law. I hear the argument all the time that “Migrant workers do work that Americans won’t do.” What a farce. Americans will do any job you give them, we just won’t do it for $3.00 and hour. American workers can’t compete with illegal workers because of huge differences overhead.

    And another thing that upsets me is that many of the illegal aliens seem to simply refuse to learn our language. Why should we have to become bi-lingual or print everything in English and Spanish? Why not print all signs in Vietnamese, Mandarin, Arabic, etc. for the rest of the immigrants? Many times at my company I receive calls from people and the first thing they say is “Habla Espanol?” I always say “Sorry, this is the USA. I speak English.”

    We went through this same problem back in 1986. Only then is was 3 million illegal aliens we gave amnesty to with the promise that we’d close the border.

    1986 = 3 million & promise to stop the flow
    2006 = 11 million & promise to stop the flow
    2026 = ?? million & promist to stop the flow

    When does it finally stop?

    Well enough ranting, I’m sure it won’t do any good. I’m on the way out the door to make my protest signs for the “pro immigrant march” here in Fort Worth tomorrow.

    Support HR4437. Enforce the law. Close the borders.

  32. Baby Killa

    Hey Kat You son of a bitch,Why dont you shut the fuck up,cuz obviesly u dont have a clue about, all u r is a dick sucking white ass stuck up dumb ass.And yes illegal imigrants do pay taxes and dont get a singal penny what if Im just a 8th grader it looks like your dumber than me,actualy ur dumber than a box of rocks.I know that they do pay taxes cuz my half sister pays taxes, so do my uncols and aunts. and tell me when have ever burned your fucked up flag hu bitch when? and as 4 u mike it’s not that thes people refuse 2 learn your language its just that they dont have the time 2 cuz they are so busy working in the fields so u can have your good red and fresh tomatoes,and so they can getpayed 2 take a peac of bread 2 ther mouth, and Im not saying that all people r in that condition but some of them r.Others just dont have the money 2 take private classes like you do dumb ass. and you know what ya’ll r in the position u r thanks 2 us so dont say that we dont do shit 4 ur dumb ass country. those that can acsept the truth ya’ll know that ur no one with out us. “…. bad, stupid, retarded, or fucked up they are.” When I put this in in the last text I put in dont get afended my latino brathas and sistas cuz what i ment was no mater how bad,stupid,retarded or fucked up “SOME” can be. and back 2 you 2 white people u should go shuting the fuck up cuz if i new wher u lived me and my gang SANGRE LATINA would go over ther and beat your ass 2 the ground not 2 deth cuz we dont want those problems,at least not now, maybe after this immigration thing has calmed down but not now.and yes we “latinos” are ganna keephoulding our armes out to our incomeing race. oh and mike if you dont want 2 keep paying for them then bitch go back 2 Germany. and you Kat u shold really shut da fuck up. one more thing “VIVA LATINO-AMERICA,Y QUE VIVA MEXICO” MEXICAN PRIDE 4 LIFE HEAR DAT 4 LIFE

  33. Baby Killa

    Hey Kat You son of a bitch,Why dont you shut the fuck up,cuz obviesly u dont have a clue about, all u r is a dick sucking white ass stuck up dumb ass.And yes illegal imigrants do pay taxes and dont get a singal penny what if Im just a 8th grader it looks like your dumber than me,actualy ur dumber than a box of rocks.I know that they do pay taxes cuz my half sister pays taxes, so do my uncols and aunts. and tell me when have ever burned your fucked up flag hu bitch when? and as 4 u mike it’s not that thes people refuse 2 learn your language its just that they dont have the time 2 cuz they are so busy working in the fields so u can have your good red and fresh tomatoes,and so they can getpayed 2 take a peac of bread 2 ther mouth, and Im not saying that all people r in that condition but some of them r.Others just dont have the money 2 take private classes like you do dumb ass. and you know what ya’ll r in the position u r thanks 2 us so dont say that we dont do shit 4 ur dumb ass country. those that can acsept the truth ya’ll know that ur no one with out us. “…. bad, stupid, retarded, or fucked up they are.” When I put this in in the last text I put in dont get afended my latino brathas and sistas cuz what i ment was no mater how bad,stupid,retarded or fucked up “SOME” can be. and back 2 you 2 white people u should go shuting the fuck up cuz if i new wher u lived me and my gang SANGRE LATINA would go over ther and beat your ass 2 the ground not 2 deth cuz we dont want those problems,at least not now, maybe after this immigration thing has calmed down but not now.and yes we “latinos” are ganna keephoulding our armes out to our incomeing race. oh and mike if you dont want 2 keep paying for them then bitch go back 2 Germany. and you Kat u shold really shut da fuck up. one more thing “VIVA LATINO-AMERICA,Y QUE VIVA MEXICO” MEXICAN PRIDE 4 LIFE HEAR DAT 4 LIFE

  34. miguel

    mega walkout
    this monday 4/10/06 walkout from your school with a group of protester and reach nearest political building. walkout after period 1 and if theres a lockdown walkout during nutrition.
    when you reach a school scream “walkout” to convinst students to walkout. post it in myspace and tell students.

  35. David

    I hate to differ or argue with you, but my city hall was one of the beseiged on Monday. It is one thing to walk like MLK, but what I heard and saw did NOT remind me of the great causes of the 1960’s.

    Picture this—400 students in the street approaching City Hall. The ‘leader’ up front, was walking with baggy jeans and a wife-beater t-shirt (do they allow that in school today?). He had a Mexican flag in one hand and a cigarette in the other. As part of the group marched, 20-40 students DROVE UP as they were too overweight or out of shape to walk in solidarity for the cause!

    When my Irish City Manager attempted to speak to the group (at their request). He spoke Spanish to them out of respect and members of the crowd shouted “Shut up Whitey” and “Speak English”.

    I attempted to speak to a group of the students on the side, asking for there input, I was told (and I quote), “We are here against immigration”! One of the lot changed it to “for immigration”. A teenager Hispanic female said, “we are for open borders…check it out…I am here for ‘my moms’, right, fuck that immigration shit, right, fo’ real…they are trying to deport ‘my moms'” and etc.

    Many in the group were smoking with one student actually smoking a Blunt (w/o the marijuana) in front of an administrator.

    All in all, I was not impressed. The group spit on at least one car, punched a man’s window and threw water bottles at it as it past because the driver had the nerve to display an American flag on it!!

    The kids I saw protesting did not know anything about the law, they did not know what they were doing there other than cutting class and otherwise seemed like the dregs of the class of their school.

  36. David

    Miquel and Mike Arnold’s posts above are really illustrative of the problem. WHAT are the schools teaching?! Mike seems like the angry youth I met on Monday! All venom (completely with the ghetto mouth) and little substance. He especially has his facts mixed up.

    For one thing, only 23% of illegal aliens work harvesting crops. Many others have taken over construction jobs and other better paying positions at the expense of legal immigrants and American workers. Even Caesar Chavez was AGAINST illegal immigrations!!

    As for taxes paid, the amount of taxes paid cannot make up for the cost of illegal immigration when it comes to unpaid health care costs and other mandated, unfunded expenditures. YES, SOME illegal aliens pay SOME taxes (via the use of illegal social security numbers), but many pay NO TAXES working for cash, under the table!

    As for language (and I am not referring to the use of the foul language used here), many illegals do not learn English NOT because they are too busy, but because they DO NOT HAVE TO, what will all the pathetic accomodation—“press 1 for English, press 2 for Spanish”. Spanish language radio, ATMs with Spanish, etc., etc. IF Spanish speakers really cared about learning English, they would NEVER listen to Spanish radio, they would NOT buy “Hoy”. Instead they would emerse themselves in American culture, remembering who they are; remembering their culture, but becoming ‘American’, NOT Mexicans LIVING in America.

  37. David

    Dear President Bush:

    I’m about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I’m going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.

    I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

    So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I’m on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

    1. Free medical care for my entire family.

    2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

    3. All government forms need to be printed in English.

    4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.

    5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

    6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.

    7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

    8. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services.

    9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won’t make any effort to learn local traffic laws.

    10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.

    11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house, put flag decals on my car and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

    12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don’t enforce any labor laws or tax laws.

    13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.

    I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won’t mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

    However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.

    Thank you so much for your kind help.



  38. David


    Why the language? Why the anger? You should be angry at the corrupt government of Mexico instead of threatening us here.

    For all your gang bravado and CRAP (that’s what all gangs are—CRAP), you don’t even have the cajoles to list your email address! WHAT A COWARD AND A PUTZ!!

  39. Baby Killa

    Hey David,
    I got to actcept that their are some people that do not pay taxes and that their is kids like the ones u said and yeah they dont know shit of what is going on. But their is also people that know what the fuck is up. I defended these illigal immigrants like fuck and 4 a short period of time i lost interest cuz 2 c that I have family that r here illigaly and they dont care its like y should I I’m here ligaly but u know what made me change my mind,the sight of watching your fucked up white people burn my flag my wonderful Mexican flag, and u know what I promis that as soon as I get my hands on a U.S. flag I’m ganna do the same and I dont give a fuck if I get haled of to juvi. If ya’ll want 2 c blod run ok then but I can tell u that it wont be latino blod, it’ll b white blod and you know what I’m not scared of any of u white mother fuckers u want to know where i live, I’ll tell u call me at 1 800 chinga tu madre putos gringos. then i’ll tell u where u can go to c me. And here’s a heads up I’m not called BABY KILLA 4 no reason, BABY cuz I’m the 2nd youngest in the gang and KILLA cuz I’ve killed b4 and unless u want 2 b next bitch back of. u know that since ya’ll white people dont play fair
    I’ll have LIL’ CHOKA hanging around, watch out 4 her to cuz well cuz her name says it all but incase u white people cant tell it’s LIL’ cuz shes the youngest and choka cuz she gots the balls 2 choke some one and she has and she’ll keep chokeing till death just like I’ll keep killing 2 death and all together SANGRE LATINA will keep defending our race your back
    gingos malditos
    y putos
    peac out,
    Baby Killa

  40. Corey

    Get illegals out! What’s wrong with you people? Has this nation become a bunch of pansies? Illegal immigrants marching in the streets? Try that in China; you’d be shot on site!

  41. Zaira

    ..David you do have a good point but dose people dont only come to take the jobs or do such things..Most of them work hard to were they are its extremely hard for them to find anything..Its not a piece of cake you know and that list you made 1-13 come on they dont all get that…Its like the pot its boiling over and your finally all freaking worried of what the Hispanics are doing now you want them out…So many excuses every one feels and whats to be free…What if one day they were all gone..What then thats what you guys want..SO think about that and tell me..What will happen next?

  42. cindy

    I think this bill is good and bad but most peolpe here dont now whats going on and thats sad and after reading a couple of thes articles i think most of you kinda have a clue just like me this bill is dumb because that isnt fare that their wasting money on a stupid wall that they are going to make here in El Paso where i live and that over all all the immigrants that come here and im not only talking about the mexicans also the cubins chines japanis ect..come here and do all the work that us americans dont even bother concider doing but they dont mind and they make stores here

    now these are some reasons that i think this bill should go through because all the immigrants that come here and that dont have papers need to go back because they’er not fileing for taxes and they use up all the taxes we give and were the ones giveing loads and loads of mony to the government for these immigraters to live here and live off our parents money that isnt fare.


  43. no retreat

    “Where is Cesar Chavez when you need him?” Chavez favored deporting illegal alien workers because they threatened the jobs and wages of union workers. (The bosses and landowners liked the cheap labor) Caesar was not a Mexican, rather Arizona-born, of Yacci Indian heritage.

  44. Baby killa

    Corey, illegals rn’t going any where.nothing is wrong with us dumbass, whats wrong whith u? Here’s something new bitch we r not in China so stop fucking araoud.

    Cindy, shut the fuck up cuz all that u can say is shit

    bitch that didnt have the balls 2 put ther name in,u 2 should shut the fuck up cuz u 2 cant say anything but shit

    p.s.all u gringos can go 2 hell. and yall shold really stop pikeing on us Mexicans cuz yall r geting me sike of your shit

  45. Richard

    If you think the USA is so great why are you carrying the mexican flag. Take your protests south of the boarder, so we can shut the gates behind you.

  46. E.M.

    I am human, you are human, we all are human. We are living beings capable of so much wonder but often we insist on destroying each other. I accept your opinions and I would be grateful if you accepted mine. I am amazed by all the racism that I witness on a daily basis. I don’t care if you’re “white” or “mexican” or “japanesse” or any other label you choose to give yourself. How boring would this world be if we didn’t have so many creative minds and different cultures to learn from? I wish you could all understand all the wonderful things that we can learn from each other. Ignorance is such a blister. Why do we have to threat others who do not agree with our views? Why must we be in a constant battle to show superiority? Why must we resort to violence to silence our opponent? I am depressed by how this issue has been turned into racism from both sides. As far as I’m concerned, EVERYONE has feelings, EVERYONE has opinions and EVERYONE has agency through which they can express their beliefs but NEVER should this agency come at the cost of another person. I treat others as equal and I expect to be treated that way. If for some reason someone can not treat me as an equal I will speak to them and hope they respond yet if that is impossible then I will walk away and continue my marry way somewhere else.

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