When i started “studying” Friendster, i wasn’t studying it. I wasn’t in school and i had vowed never to go back. By the time i started back in school, i had stopped studying it. The result is that while i have amazing amounts of data, i was not very good at collecting all of the data that i would like to have. One of the things that i’m missing is screenshots from early days of the service, such as when there was a popularity contest on the front page. Does anyone have a collection of screenshots of various Fakesters, front pages, anything? I would be stoked if anyone could send me any material they have from 2003 – friendster [at] danah.org
Not sure if it helps but at http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.friendster.com you can find all the screenshot of friendster home page from the close beta stage to today.
Sorry – i should clarify. I mean a subscriber’s homepage – what they actually saw when they signed in. Unfortunately, Archive.org doesn’t keep what’s behind a password. 🙁