After taking a break to finish my dissertation, I’m heading back to SXSW and I. Cannot. Wait. SXSW is one of my favorite-ist conferences evah. It’s filled with fun folks who are truly engaged with the web, social media, and other forms of culture. There’s such a large contingent of cool and interesting people that I’m always overwhelmed, overstimulated, and otherwise bouncy as could be. The parties don’t hurt either. Tehe.
Anyhow, I do very little scheduling at SXSW because I personally do better when I’m unscheduled and just go with the flow. That said, I find that it’s useful to show up at one’s own talks and parties. And it’s even more fun to attend said scheduled activities when your friends know about it and want to come and play along. Sooo, since all of my BIG events are on Saturday, I thought I’d take a moment to share these bits in the hopes that those of you attending might come along!
Panel #1: Is Privacy Dead or Just Very Confused?
- Who: me (moderator), Judith Donath, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Alice Marwick
- When: Saturday March 14, 10-11AM in Room A
- Abstract: While many assert that “privacy is dead,” the complex ways in which people try to control access and visibility suggest that it’s just very confused. Rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, let’s discuss people’s understanding and experiences of privacy and find ways to 2.0-ify it.
Panel #2: Everything I Needed to Know About the Web I Learned from Feminism
- Who: Heather Gold, me, Betty Flowers
- When: Saturday March 14, 3.30-4.30PM in Room 9
- Abstract: Last year’s panel on Gossip packed up via twitter word of mouth and was described by Get Satisfaction’s Lane Becker as “the best panel I’ve ever seen at SXSW.” This year we might top it and revive/re-frame feminism at the same time. Feminism teaches “the personal is political” and the web shows that the personal is now public. Christmas newsletters and recipes are the social media of their time, and women are the key social nodes of our culture. In her comic and though-provoking style, Heather Gold brings together amazingly smart women and the people f/k/audience to discuss what makes social networks strong and predict where they’re heading next online.
Party: StandardAnswer Launch Party
- StandardAnswer is an online community built around questions and answers (think personality quizzes). This is a new startup; I’m on the advisory board and this is the launch party.
- When: Saturday March 14, 8PM-2AM
- Where: Red Eyed Fly, 715 Red River
- Deets: all welcome, music by Black Joe Lewis, American Princes, and White Denim; RSVP is required
Sooo… if you want to see me be all serious, come to the panels. If you want to see me all goofy and bouncy, come to the party! Saturday is bound to be loads of fun so I hope you’ll join me!!!
Love the title for panel 1. I think our old definition of privacy has to be thrown out, and hence the confusion. We’ve got a reverse Big Brother thing going on: we willingly expose everything aspect of our lives, but no one’s watching.
I’m jealous that Dav gets to see you. He has strict instructions to give you a hug on my behalf. Hope y’all have a blaaaast!!
Hi Danah, I have been following your work as I also research on SNSs and privacy. I am also a networker myself (Linkedin, Twitter as “clarinette01” and Facebook).I would like to have your opinion on ‘Could networking websites only survive at the expense of privacy’?
Were you able to “revive/re-frame feminism”? I hate that I missed your intriguing presentation. What do you think about the notion that for some groups–communities of color, gay transgendered, refugees, and the “illegal” to name a few–the personal has always been public, or at least a matter of public scrutiny. Social networks and the web give us the opportunity to re-frame this discussion to include a questions about the “othering” of formerly privileged ontologies. No?