Flickr auto-blogging

Flickr auto-blogging

Look who just got Flickr to auto-blog! Be warned. Soon there will be a camera phone and then it will be all over. Trouble is a-brewing because i started playing with new technology. (And yes, this means that i’ll be able to auto-Flickr-photo-blog SIGGRAPH.)

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8 thoughts on “Flickr auto-blogging

  1. Eliza

    1.) I see you are a member of the SF catgang – nice whisker throw-down.
    2.) Furry cat hat = Summer in the City (now that I don’t live there anymore, I forget how cold it can be in July and early August)

  2. Marc's Voice

    Alert! Alert! Doctoral student let loose with Cam phone!

    Look who just got Flickr to auto-blog! Be warned. Soon there will be a camera phone and then it will be all over. Trouble is a-brewing because i started playing with new technology. (And yes, this means that i’ll be able to auto-Flickr-photo-blog SIGG…

  3. Marc's Voice

    Alert! Alert! Doctoral student let loose with Cam phone!

    Look who just got Flickr to auto-blog! Be warned. Soon there will be a camera phone and then it will be all over. Trouble is a-brewing because i started playing with new technology. (And yes, this means that i’ll be able to auto-Flickr-photo-blog SIGG…

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