obession hit me today- not bad obsession but definitely obsession.
i entered my room around 2:15 this afternoon, took one look at it and thought “its cleaning time.” without complaint or unhappiness, i spead through my room, collected 10 loads worth of four people’s dirty laundry, removed cans half lingering on the shelves, tossed used bandaids and random half-torn papers, grouped belongings by person, organized winter versus summer clothes and packed that which is to go home with my mother this weekend. my ability to move when motivated astonished even me. a simple chore was enjoyable because i was motivated to do it and as a result only took 2.5 hours to do (normally, cleaning messes like that takes days due to my disinterest). although i still have a few more loads of laundry, i felt very happy with my accomplishments and am still shocked at my productivity.

for the last two days, i have felt nothing but happily productive. sitting on the new york subway, i happily blocked out everyone’s personally created noise and that of the train and read kaye’s zen at work. i had no trouble concentrating and enjoyed the read.

what has given me so much energy? is it because i am more happy than usual based on daily life improvements? or is it a fluke? i prefer to think the former but we will see tomorrow &ltgrin> regardless, today has been a superb day.

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