Monthly Archives: June 2002

creativity mandated…

i remember first hearing about the “be creative or die” research in response to a lot of stuff in japan, and then again when i came across the research on why gays are the best predictors of good cities to live in (and how gays & techies are a lot alike… tehehe). i’m always humored reading this kind of stuff, because it’s just predictive metrics, making a slice through two dimensions in habits to show commonalities… but it’s the same stuff that got the bell curve folks into a heap of trouble. statistics are just great – they show lots of fun things, and almost always those fun things are 100% accurate for what they’re showing… and then they get used to extrapolate and that’s when we all get into a bit of trouble…

ultrasound offices

i went to get a bunch of ultrasounds today (lots more yummy cysts – oh what fun! they still don’t know what is wrong…) so i’m sitting in the waiting room, with my cold and my bloated wisdom teeth removed face, looking like that’s the last place i want to be, surrounded by cherub-like pregnant women in khakis, exuberant about the idea that they will get to see their babies. and of course they’re glaring at me so all i want to scream is “don’t worry – i’m not pregnant and probably never will be” as i glare back.

ultrasound rooms are odd because everyone has this expectation about why you are there and they make all of these judgments if they think you are unfit to be there for that purpose. hrmfpt. next time i must wear my leather jacket or adorn a sign “my unborn will beat up your unborn”

the pu**y monologues

you know something has reached mainstream when various publications can poke fun of it without referencing it directly… as time goes on, i see more and more stuff related to the vagina monologues and that just makes me happy. so, today’s version was a nerve commentary on the pu**y monologues.

in other vagina news, i got the most fabulous email from a transwoman who wrote to say how amazing it was for her to be in TVM because it was her first experience at female bonding, and really understanding who she was. her note sooo brought me to tears. yesterday was her surgery so i keep hoping that all went well.

in related-parts news, i just read a great little poem in response to John Ashcroft’s decision to purchase $8,000 drapes to cover the bare-breasted statue behind his podium in the hall of justice.


getting one’s wisdom teeth removed takes a lot more than i would have thought. sadly, i continue to be completely delerious. perkaset included, i’ve been very ill, nautious and dizzy. it’s a terrible terrible feeling. plus i look like a chipmunk, can’t think or see straight and am otherwise dreading the days. at least i’ve seen 1/2 of 4 mostly-terrible movies….. original sin (mm… angelina), live nude girls, virtual sexuality, waiting for guffman– and 1/2 of one really good one – american beauty (’cause dan had never seen it and bless him, he came and dealt with my drugged self)

hoping to recover soon… don’t like this one bit.

random money

as we’ve mentioned before, i’m addicted to surveys. outright addicted. but even with said addiction, i get overjoyed when every month or so, i get a check from one of the survey companies because i’ve sold my opinion to them to fulfill my survey addiction and get a few dollars. anyhow, everyone who hears about my addictions asks where they can sign up… so now i have a link (that also makes me a teensy bit of money if you sign up). enjoy!


::gulp:: well, it seems as though i might have endometriosis. i can’t really think about that right now (damn bloody law paper is very overdue) but it would make a lot of the really annoying pain, crampiness, problems with painful arousal make a lot more sense. the question is where to go from here. i think that first, i need to graduate. then i need to get myself to a calmer state fast. then think.