ultrasound offices

i went to get a bunch of ultrasounds today (lots more yummy cysts – oh what fun! they still don’t know what is wrong…) so i’m sitting in the waiting room, with my cold and my bloated wisdom teeth removed face, looking like that’s the last place i want to be, surrounded by cherub-like pregnant women in khakis, exuberant about the idea that they will get to see their babies. and of course they’re glaring at me so all i want to scream is “don’t worry – i’m not pregnant and probably never will be” as i glare back.

ultrasound rooms are odd because everyone has this expectation about why you are there and they make all of these judgments if they think you are unfit to be there for that purpose. hrmfpt. next time i must wear my leather jacket or adorn a sign “my unborn will beat up your unborn”

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