Seeking: Research Assistant/Intern for Online Safety Literature Review

The Youth Policy Working Group at Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society is looking for a research assistant intern to help update the Literature Review produced by the Internet Safety Technical Task Force. This project builds off of the Berkman Center’s work studying how youth interact with digital media and specifically seeks to draft policy prescriptions in three areas: privacy, safety, and content creation.

The ideal candidate would be a graduate student (or individual working towards entering a graduate program) who is fluent in quantitative methodologies and can interpret and evaluate statistical findings. The RA/intern would be working to extend the Lit Review from the ISTTF report to include international studies, new studies in the last year, and studies that cover a wider set of topics with respect to online safety. The products of this internship will be an updated Literature Review and a shorter white paper of the high points. Other smaller tasks may be required. This project should take 10-15 hours per week and will last at least the fall semester.

The RA/intern will work directly with Dr. danah boyd and will be a part of a broader team trying to build resources for understanding issues relating to online safety. The candidate should have solid research skills and feel confident reading scholarly research in a wide array of fields. The candidate must have library access through their own university. Before applying, the candidate should read the Literature Review and be confident that this is work that s/he could do.

Preference will be given to candidates in the Boston area, but other U.S. candidates may be considered if their skills and knowledge make them particularly ideal for this job. Unfortunately, we are unable to hire non-U.S. individuals for this job.

To apply, please send a copy of your resume and a cover letter to Catherine Bracy and danah boyd.

(See also: hiring Technical Research Assistant for Adhoc Tasks at MSR)