If you’re in the Bay Area, go check out Continuous City, a funky play at Berkeley concerning what it means to live in a networked society (with various references to social network sites). I would if I were in town.
CONTINUOUS CITY is a meditation on how contemporary experiences of location and dislocation stretch us to the maximum as our “networked” selves occupy multiple locations. We want to examine not only how we see what’s happening in the world, but how we deliver it to an audience-using “real world” events to include “real world” people.
SHOW: Continuous City: Excerpts from a Work-in-Progress by The Builders Association, created with students from UC Berkeley. Admission is $14/10/8. Tickets can be purchased at the door or at http://theater.berkeley.edu. Performances at 8pm on October 5, 6, & 13 and 2pm on October 7 & 14.
that looks awesome. thanks for the recommendation.
really very interesting! i will see if i can make one of the performances. in any case, i will recruit people to participate in the online part of the project. thx!
saw it (with orange). blogged it. am wondering if i’m just too jaded to appreciate the complexity of what they tried to do, and if they thought they really were doing something innovative but i received it as “riding the wave” of all the media-hype around social networking without really digging into its true impact(s). in short: meh.