Prix Ars Electronica Digital Communities

Like Joi, i will be on the Prix Ars Electronica digital communities jury. We have been asked to nominate communities that should be recognized (or you can submit your own). My trouble in determining what to nominate stems from the fact that some of the most valuable communities are inherently niche communities and thus, i’m not likely to know about them. This is where i need your help. Do you know of communities that should be nominated? If you’re the creator of a particular community, you should definitely submit yourself, but if you know of something that i should know about for this category, please let me know ASAP in the comments. Some types of communities that i’m interested in knowing about include: fan fiction communities, communities of youth, communities for marginalized populations, effective support groups, communities of sharing, etc.

For the second time in 2005, Prix Ars Electronica will honor important achievements by digital communities. This category focuses attention on the wide-ranging social impact of the Internet as well as on the latest developments in the fields of social software, mobile communications and wireless networks.

The “Digital Communities” category is open to political, social, and cultural projects, initiatives, groups, and scenes from all over the world utilizing digital technology to better society and assume social responsibility. It is meant to recognize the initiators and propagators of these communities as well as the developers of the relevant technologies, and to honor those whose work contributes to the establishment and proliferation of Digital Communities as well as provide understanding and research into them.

The prizes in this category will total 20,000 Euros: one Golden Nica (10,000 Euro), two Awards of Distinction (5,000 Euros each) and up to 12 Honorary Mentions.

For full information please check
Online submission:
Deadline for submissions: March 11, 2005

2 thoughts on “Prix Ars Electronica Digital Communities

  1. stefanos

    i like looking at the list of last years winners. wonder how they where chosen?

    hope we get some imput from the judges to demostrate a transparency of opinion that is based on aesthetics and avoids favoritism. How can one be an unbiased judge? kind of like hollywood square judging on an academic level.

    hey, on another note, we got a submission to the tribes thing from Elizabeth Goldring! Our deadline is very extended for now untill we fill the mag.

    The actual community around the mag is held together by emails and the telephone of a visually impaired art critic: Steve Cannon is very good at finding good art for his gallery which represents an interesting social networking as an assitive technology. This touches upon webramping. But we are too busy to submit to the Ar’s thing this year. Maybe next year after the mag is out and we have a better definition of Equiveillance and how it relates to an assitive technology that interacts with a pervasive and socially networked enviroment.

    hope to hear from you when you have a chance:



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