resurrecting e-quill

I’m still cranky that Microsquish squashed e-quill upon purchasing it (even if Matt went on to do a good thing). I loved that program, absolutely loved it. I used it for lots of different things, including turning in class assignments, commenting on sites, taking notes. I beta-tested that puppy like you wouldn’t believe because i truly thought it was a fantastic step forward. And then MS went and brutally murdered it, with no trace left behind but a sad website.

So, when Mary posted about this cross between a blog and a wiki, i was overjoyed. I know that one day e-quill will have to come back in some form… it really is the answer to comments and collective voices. It is digital graffiti and the opportunity to focus on the collection before the individual, offering a perspective of collective action instead of linear narratives. It makes every hypertext bone in my body quiver with excitement. Please, please bring back e-quill soon.

Update: ::gulp:: I didn’t realize that when i found Will’s page (pictured above), i was writing graffiti on someone’s page and starting it as a trend (tx Mary). I was just trying to point out a new tool. So, i explored further, made my own webnote so that readers can graffiti me.

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10 thoughts on “resurrecting e-quill

  1. Napsterization

    Webnotes Notes

    Here is webnotes page on this graffiti like thing that’s been happening since posting on it yesterday. danah posted on it, then Will, who made the page I found first and linked to, responded on the activity on his webnotes…

  2. Napsterization

    Webnotes Notes

    Here is a Webnotes page on this graffiti-like thing that’s been happening since posting on Webnotes yesterday. danah posted on it, then Will, who made the page I found first and linked to, responded in his blog about the activity…

  3. Bibi's box


    Webnote foi um daqueles sites que eu vi, li bem por cima as informaes, no entendi nada e sa sem pesquisar mais nada. Mas hoje, depois de ver uma ilustrao no blog da Danah Boyd eu fui ver o que era e achei a utilidade do site. Webnote, como diz a…

  4. Alex Graveley

    Sorry. I’ve linked to your zephoria webnote, because its the best example of a rich board I could find.

    Unfortunately I worry that all the geeks who read my syndication might ruin it 🙂

    I’ll create a new board if you wish.

  5. Bibi's box


    Webnote foi um daqueles sites que eu vi, li bem por cima as informaes, no entendi nada e sa sem pesquisar mais nada. Mas hoje, depois de ver uma ilustrao no blog da Danah Boyd eu fui ver o que era e achei a utilidade do site. Webnote, como diz a…

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