into the blogosphere

Into the Blogosphere is a collection of articles about blogs from multidisciplinary approaches. I haven’t read them yet, but i’m super psyched that they are being published.

4 thoughts on “into the blogosphere

  1. stefanos

    of note, lots of stuff that intersects with creative writing.

    not much on audio blogs: i guess this would be the easiest way to build a blog for the visually impaired. been toying with redhat: they have this system to record all phone calls and to email them as jpeg files.

    so using the phone system to blog would be how to start: but how does one convert visual to audio in the context of a blog?

    hasn’t been done yet.


    Tetra-meshing in the Blogosphere

    When I first started blogging I wrote an essay which had become the central theme of this blogsite, hence the title “Blogging with Passion and Compassion.” In that essay I borrowed KW’s Integral Theory to described in general how the

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