dark side of digital utopia

The BBC is reporting on the dark side of digital utopia, revealing the underground behavior that has emerged in SIMS Online. Alphaville has generated child prostitutes, sadomasochists, mafia thieves and shadow governments. Lesson in life: give people freedom and everything will not be all cheery, no matter how hard you try to configure it that way.

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1 thought on “dark side of digital utopia

  1. Jordan

    Reminds me of Gravity’s Rainbow… There is a definate parallel between digitalization and The Zone.

    I see all of these things happening in the real world as well. Just like how children play out senarios that echo their homelife, the digital world is just a space to act out our repressions and act out the senarios of the outside world.

    Taking what you wrote one step further… Could we say that, because all of those things happen in real life, we can determine that (at least at some level) we are all free?

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