social networks vis

Check out these visualizations of social networks. They are views of a Hungarian-only online social network community called

The researcher, Daniel Varga, wrote me to tell me about them. He’s been doing extensive work analyzing the community that he’s visualized and notes that a power-law approach is not suitable for

Totally fascinating. He’s working on a paper based on his experiments in case anyone is interested in speaking with him. He’s welcome to any feedback!

3 thoughts on “social networks vis

  1. Many-to-Many

    Merging Networks and Global Tribes

    Social Networking Services lurched into overdrive last week with funding announcements, patent purchases, new entries and mergers. It all boils down to companies competing at a new level, the ante is upped. I won’t get into how the competition wi…

  2. Balazs Szendroi

    Hi zephoria,
    check this out:

    It’s a paper about, written about 6 months ago by my collegue Gabor Csanyi and myself. At least at that time, did actually have a reasonably convincing power law degree distribution (see Fig. 1. in the paper). We also modelled some aspects of, and the best model exhibited clear power law features.

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