LJ & Friendster

Needless to say, there is a lot of commentary about Friendster on Live Journals. For the most part, it is banter about adding one another as friends. Of course, this brings into question whether or not LJ connections are friends. [In LJ, there are explicit references to “Friendster friends”]

Other interesting bits:

xaotica: used Friendster to connect with a desired journalist gig after a blind contact provided no leads. Also, “it’s a site a little similar to livejournal, minus the journal.”

truna: “friendster = high school yearbook and that’s why i love it ;-)”

yummystuff: chronicles her Friendster dates

brokenchinaldol: “you’ll notice every fifth testimonial seems to include something like ‘i don’t know why we don’t hang out more/i wish we saw each other more/we should keep in touch’. i vote someone makes realster.com, where people admit ‘i don’t call her anymore because all she does is complain about her boyfriend’, ‘we used to hang out in high school, until i develop a little thing called a conscience”, “maybe we should start having casual sex again’. this would certainly help singletons weed out the poor dating choices.”

Anyhow, there are pages and pages of Friendster quotes on LJ.

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