booth babing is hard

OK. My ass is *kicked*. I’ve spent the last three days running around the Moscone Center telling folks about the Urban Adventure for JavaOne (a.k.a. The Go Game). Three days of smiling pretty, talking small talk, being energetic and witty and silly and pretending to smile when i’m treated like a bimbette (all the while teaching my fellow babes Object Oriented Java). Of course, the event went off with a bang and people had a great time (except for those who were cranky that they didn’t win.)

Oh, and damn those who blamed me for not giving them a good score, because i was being good and honest! I wrote my own adventure, which was utterly reminscent of my days as a CS15 TA:

Task: Find the Java Princess (me dressed up in a prom dress and tiara in front of the Virgin Megastore) and impress her with your Java talent. Compose a short applet and enact it. Be creative!

Some of those teams had me dying of laughter – i got hugs and kisses and silly poems about Java written for me. Only one team perfected the skill of compileable code complete with humor, originality and sweetness. Too many teams assumed that i knew nothing about Java or didn’t know much about it themselves. But they were cute and i gave a *lot* of points for trying. Seriously, the TA in me came out full swing!

Oh, and i met a really nice stranger on the street and had a lovely (broken) conversation as teams came and went. Plus, it was funny to watch how the questions directed towards me changed as night fell. At first, strangers kept asking if i was getting married. After night fall, i was asked if i was a prostitute. What bride or prostitute would be wearing a blue prom dress, a fuzzy tiara, cowboy boots, and a spiky collar standing on a street corner? Don’t answer that…

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1 thought on “booth babing is hard

  1. MoNK

    I thought you were the coolest insane person; blue dress, fuzzy tiara, cowboy boots and all. I really had fun talking to you and watching you work your magic. I was impressed with you ability to remove your ego from the process of becoming or should I say maintaining your crazy character. Yes it is too bad that most people consciously or unconsciously connect tech with gender. I am of the opinion that tech is a tool, created from our need to stretch and connect our consciousness as we inherently know this is the way we should live.

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