Monthly Archives: December 2002

i have a home!!!

After a bit of nuttyness trying to find a place (the dog bite didn’t help assure me), i found the most amazing people and the most amazing home… I will be living in the Castro in the living room of a place on the third floor on a hill overlooking the city with sun-facing rooms. I will be living with three rad queer girls (one of whom shares my birthday) in a gorgeous apartment with dimmers in every room, a living room with bookshelves built in, a dishwasher and a garden! Plus, there are three precious kitties (and two goldfish, one of whom is named Calculus). YAY!!! [Oh, and for fun, we all met at Fairy Butch‘s Hannukah Hoedown.] YAY!!!!!

help V-Day

If you are going shopping this season, you can help raise money for V-Day by shopping through the forsociety website.

To do this:

– Go to and click “Shop Now”
– Under “Human Services” choose V-Day
[or shortcut these two steps by going to:]
– Under the various menus, choose the site you want to go to (check it out
’cause there are a lot of the really common ones there).