5 thoughts on “straight pride wear

  1. David Farmer

    I absolutely love it. I, being a straight male, am very proud to be a straight male. If you’re proud to be gay… then why is it wrong to one, love our country, and two, love being straight? I see nothing wrong with it. Having pride in oneself is quintessential to being happy. So, I say, continue spreading your hate and we’ll see who is happier in their life.

  2. David Farmer

    I absolutely love it. I, being a straight male, am very proud to be a straight male. If you’re proud to be gay… then why is it wrong to one, love our country, and two, love being straight? I see nothing wrong with it. Having pride in oneself is quintessential to being happy. So, I say, continue spreading your hate and we’ll see who is happier in their life.

  3. jaime lavone

    flaunt your sexuality either way… straight pride, or gay pride…

    not everyone boasting straight pride is instantly a homophobe like most of the gay community would like to label them as,

  4. Michael Monahan

    Yeah, but not everyone in the “gay community” think that all stright people are homophobes so EVERYONE, gay straight or abiguous can just live in peace and be happy for everyone else…

    is that too hard to ask for

    but why does america need to be symbolized with straight

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