
So, out of curiousity to hear what the rapper produced, i bought the new album. I had bought the last one after all the controversy erupted, in order to form an opinion. Listening to it was painful. Not only wasn’t it my style, but the lewd language often made me cringe and the hate that bubbled inside just make me depressed. So, i did my once through listening, read the lyrics and that was enough. Even in that one listening, i realized that the man was quite brilliant and talented. He was filled with hatred but he was also so aware of the violence, hatred and oppression around him. That made it interesting.

The new album is even more fascinating in that way. It’s calmed down, even if he pretends otherwise. He’s still cranky and angry, but he’s actually articulating some very sound thoughts recognizing his audience and arguing with them in his lyrics. It’s still harsh, but it’s much more coherent and he definitely has an argument to make. And one of the harshest songs is unbelievably catchy (video).

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1 thought on “eminem

  1. kirsty tute

    hi what u up 2 then the shit that people send to u is umberleveabull thanx 4 the email i emailed u back i hope u get to read it
    love kirsty tute xxxx

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