lack of advisorhood

One of the worst things about my current situation is that i don’t feel as though i have a way to get good advice regarding my thoughts and ideas. I’m not your typical grad student: i don’t operate well in isolation. I need social interaction; i need people to challeng me and make me think. I need people to learn from. And it’s been damn challenging to get that in this environment, which makes it hard to motivate. The school that i’m in, my advisor, the people around me. I want to be pushed and strained; i want to think outside of my box and have those inspirations that only occur when engaging with people.

On the other hand, i know that i’m not alone in being tired of getting no advice. I thought things had improved, but in fact they were just bandaided in a way that made it seem like they were solved, and thus no progress is going to happen. ::sigh:: Must get out of here.

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