exhibit up.. checking email again

i actually went offline for the most part this week (gasp!) to get the art installation up . it looks great, so if you are down there, go check it out.

i finally got around to taking a look at a graphical search engine and i’m not too thrilled with it. it looks really cool, but the links are meaningless and the search results are really inaccurate. of course, i always test all search engines with ‘ani difranco’ because i know the results in all other search engines.

this morning, i also got a transcript of a chomsky vs. bill bennett debate with paula zahn on CNN. problem is that i don’t know how to read these things anymore. i know my government is lying to me (with help from the media) but i can’t say that i automatically trust the uber-left either, cause it’s so easy to be a paranoid in this current culture. how do you fight misinformation when all you have is misinformation?

i was psyched to see fake banner ads (#1, #2, #3) in my inbox – i love sarcastic cuts at corporations…

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