random Ani fans

I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the random Ani fans who visit my site every day. They are the primary cause of my Klez.E irritation, but they also send me wonderful emails, like this one:

From: Carlos Munoz
…. anyway, came across this quote today and thought you’d like it: “in an age where mass media provide the basis of common experience, ‘Star Wars’ and a handful of other cultural icons may have become a kind of shorthand form of communication”

i’m sure you’ve thought about this, but maybe this quote has some un-congruent edges to your prev thoughts

I can’t help but think back to late nights when Jon and Danny and their friends had entire conversations in Monty Python quotes. Or how many ridiculous conversations emerged out of discussions over terrible 1980s fashion statements – Do you remember jelly shoes and all style Madonna or garbage pail kids or … And yes, the 80s come complete with a survey.
Mass media does wonders for a common language of communication…

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