Craigslist housing + Google Maps = brilliant

Wow, this is cool. You can choose any city that Craigslist covers, sort by price range and see all of the places for rent in the city. If you click on a bubble, you can see the details including pictures. Sooo soo cool. I wish i would’ve had this when i was surfing for housing. *This* is how visualization becomes excessively useful.

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14 thoughts on “Craigslist housing + Google Maps = brilliant

  1. Slacker Manager

    Google maps rock times two

    This is what you get when you cross Google maps with Craigslist housing ads (via Jay, via Danah). Geez, what a great idea. I swear, I’m just blown away by how cool Google maps are, and then someone goes and

  2. tony

    Ed Tufte would be proud…

    My lease runs out in June,should be a better way to look than ads and those awful books-thanks danah!

  3. Setpoint Originator

    Google Maps Almost Anything = Promising (Geo-Blog, Anyone?)

    A couple of provocative new Google Maps bits (see my pitch for a “WikiCity” app). Danah Boyd spotlights a Craigslist overlay (see pic below with available apartments!). Yea, that rules. Jon Udell was right when he said Google Maps ‘isn’t

  4. Too Much News

    Craigslist housing + Google Maps = brilliant

    apophenia: “Wow, this is cool. You can choose any city that Craigslist covers, sort by price range and see all of the places for rent in the city. If you click on a bubble, you can see the details including pictures. Sooo soo cool… *This* is how visu…

  5. Lee

    I am looking for summer housing in West Yellowstone, Montana or somewhere in that area.

    Any suggestions about how to post/find this?



  6. laura astle

    I have a house in
    salt Lake City that I would like to rent out. How do I do this?

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