
Ben Brown posted an absolutely intriguing observation from SXSW concerning the power of rendezvous (both the tool and the practice). iChat allowed a group of people to negotiate the physical space, do favors and connect up with folks that they barely knew. It’s a fantastic depiction of the future that anyone interested in backchannels, IM and ad-hoc networks should read.

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20 thoughts on “rendezvous

  1. Justin Cox

    If I would have known my conversation was going to get linked all over the internet, I would have corrected my typo. 🙁

  2. Epistemographer

    SXSW Recap…

    Spent the past few days mulling over the heady experience of South by Southwest Interactive…I’ve been thinking out loud to a few friends in the time since I got back on Wed. night, and I think I’ve processed enough to…

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