Category Archives: fun links


Here’s a preacher i could follow: Preaching Against the ‘Evil’ of Consumerism

Don’t you love how evil is encapsulated with quotes, as though a newspaper can’t actually admit that there’s an evil element in consumerism without quoting it? I mean, could be preaching against the “evil of consumerism” which sounds awefully different than the “evil” of consumerism. But don’t forget: orange is the new pink (why couldn’t that have been a good movie???)

fighting for the letter i

internet or Internet? It seems as though i’m not the only one fighting for the role of the letter ‘i’ in our society.. and hell, i know that i’m not the only one who is grumpy about the different spellings/positionings of digital technology

web site vs. website
e-mail vs. E-mail vs. email

(i, of course, prefer website and email.. let them be their own unique words without having to be a descriptive of an old word.. they’ve matured to that level at least!)

christmas resistence

My best friend falls in love with Christmas every year in October. By the time that the bloody holiday hits, she’s with the rest of us: ugg ugg and ugg. I’ve been trying to convince my family and friends that gifts are utterly unnecessary, attending mass is just an exercise in snore reduction and the Christmas tree was far more entertaining when my beloved kitty used to knock it over. Alas, i always lose to the traditions of my family. But apparently my sentiments are shared by others cause now there is:

Christmas Resistence
No Shopping
No Guilt
No Pressure