Category Archives: altered states

putting money where my mouth is

On various listservs and blogs, i keep seeing more and more discussions about the proposed RAVE Act. Of course, everyone always suggests writing to your congressman, and i can respect that and even encourage it. But i wished i believed that it did a damn thing. I don’t trust my voice nor do i feel like those messages are ever even heard from folks like me. I have more faith in large lobby groups and other organizations working to help people. Thus, rather than writing another pointless letter, i decided to donate money to help Dancesafe because i really do believe in their mission and their fight.

ecstasy versus ecstasy

I cannot remember the last time that i read an article on a drug that i didn’t think was dreadfully biased. Usually, they’re either proselytizing the drug or condemning it for all it’s worth. This article about ecstasy has a very level-headed approach: there are pros, there are cons, some information is misinformation, a lot is unknown, safety is being ignored out of fear, fear tactics are not persuasive, the gov’t has lost its credibility in the war on drugs, etc. The arguments are laid out nicely and expressing who does ecstasy and why, while also conveying why the war on ecstasy is failing miserably and resulting in increased usage and deaths. And ultimately, it suggests that no matter what the authorities say, people will make their own decisions and that it is better to inform them and the public at large. I couldn’t agree more.

Plus, the article is clearly written with my favorite quote being: “And while Ecstasy is typically portrayed as the drug of choice among a fringe of bedeviled youngsters with a fondness for glow sticks and all-night dancing, in reality the drug cuts a wide swath across society.” I was quite psyched that the author noted why people did drugs at parties, but also noted that parties were not an excuse for drugs to be sold.

And, in response to an individual’s remarks, the author quoted one of the best quotes about why the gov’t is losing the war on drugs: “I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me” – Winson Churchill.

smoke pot? stay out of jail

Here’s a great little comic to address your legal rights. It’s becoming a police state and most arrests are over drugs. Yet, as we all know, smoking pot is NORML.

I do wonder how long it will be until our society just accepts that pot smoking is not at all different than alcohol. I mean, it’s frustrating to listen to people differentiate the two, when the only similarity is that their legal status is based on politics. Alcohol and tobacco/cotton won. That means that alcohol is legal and marijuana/hemp is not. I still prefer a pothead to an alcoholic any day. At least the former isn’t going to kick my ass and be really noisy.


Ah yes, once again, the gov’t is after those of us who like to dance. Check out the latest: Reducing American’s Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act Bill# S2633). As i grow older, i’m more and more fascinated by these bills – the large efforts to which members of our government go to in order to stop subcultures before of drug paranoia. And i can’t help but imagine them discussing this bill at the local pub, inhaling yet another gift from Philip Morris, guaranteeing that their liver/lung failures will increase my medical premiums.

I forget who told me that you know that you’ve hit the next stage in your life when you stop being angry about everything you disagree with and start laughing at the absurdity of it. I still waiver between the two, but i’m starting to truly understand what it means to just be stunned stupid because of the hysteria. Ah.. and the word hysteria… i guess my womb is off and running again. ::laugh::

good conversations & drug propoganda

what a gorgeous day – although it seems as though the bugs have emerged as well.. i sat in the courtyard today discussing lab politics with one of my oldest friends here and it’s sooo depressing to learn how much the lab consistently screws people over. yuck yuck and yuck. this was particularly painful because i spent the earlier part of the day mentally remembering why there is no way in hell that i want to be here in the future. i watched as my advisor told others how their project would look and that just made me feel gross gross and gross. this is really just not the way that research is supposed to work. ::sigh:: so i just felt disgusting coming out of that conversation in every way possible.

i keep having those mental conversations about the value of education, the power plays that happen here, etc. interesting mental games…

regardless, i also got to think about the institution of marriage, how to reform it and the politics of drugs… she gave me the most fantabulous link about how colombia’s super bowl handled anti-drug advertisements – sooo hysterical!

this is so entertaining in light of The Onion‘s latest drug-related article.

::sigh:: i have to admit that i’m quite cranky with the gov’t & drug issues these days… just like i’m always thrilled when the government is hypocritical. Drugs & the Internet is one of their latest publications, intended to crack down on online available drug information. my favorite is how they are upset that reformers are gathering online to “promote” drugs (what about when we are engaging in freedom of speech to question the government’s legitimation of alcohol/tobacco but not marijuana, a far less harmful drug [1][2][3]). and, even on the front page, they are concerned about the availability of information on harmful effects of MDMA, GHB and LSD. since when is it a bad thing to release the causes for concern? oh, right, because the people saying the problems are generally against government dictation of how to treat one’s body… plus, the gov’t is generally after raving folks, because of the promotion of mind-expansion with drugs. i think it’s a bit terrifying to realize that even my digital discontent (this page) with this approach could put me at risk. freedom of speech has failed; we are living in China, just no one knows it.