eminem’s mosh

Eminem’s video for his new song Mosh brings me to tears. Regardless of what anyone things of Eminem, i’ve always loved his willingness to fight, to be resistant to contemporary society even while being framed as mainstream. This video, put out by the Guerrilla News Network shows the anger and frustration of poor and marginalized populations, upset with Bush for the way that he’s destroyed the fabric of this country. It is a call to action, urging people to get out and vote. It is a rhythmic composition of completely radical and political rhetoric. It is a call to action for youth and for the disenfranchised. I sure hope that the youth get out to vote this time. They need to stand up for themselves before they become yet another group abused by this regime.

Update: The lyrics are in the extended entry for those who want to know what is being said.

Screenshot from ‘Mosh’

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the Republic for which it stands
One nation under God
It feels so good to be back..]

Scrutinize every word, memorize every line
I spit it once, refuel, reenergize, and rewind
I give sight to the blind, mind sight through the mind
I exercise my right to express when I feel it’s time
It’s just all in your mind, what you interpret it as
I say to fight you take it as I’m gonna whip someone’s ass
If you don’t understand don’t even bother to ask
A father who has grown up with a fatherless past
Who has blown up now to rap phenomenon that has
Or at least shows no difficulty multi taskin
And juggling both, perhaps mastered his craft slash
Entrepreneur who has held long too few more rap acts
Who has had a few obstacles thrown his way through the last half
Of his career typical manure moving past that
Mister kiss his ass crack, he’s a class act
Rubber band man, yea he just snaps back

Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
Come with me, and I won’t steer you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

To the people up top, on the side and the middle,
Come together, let’s all bomb and swamp just a little
Just let it gradually build, from the front to the back
All you can see is a sea of people, some white and some black
Don’t matter what color, all that matters is we gathered together
To celebrate for the same cause, no matter the weather
If it rains let it rain, yea the wetter the better
They ain’t gonna stop us, they can’t, we’re stronger now more then ever,
They tell us no we say yea, they tell us stop we say go,
Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell we gonna let em know
Stomp, push up, mush, fuck Bush, until they bring our troops home come on just . . .

Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
Come with me, and I won’t steer you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors, come on

Imagine it pouring, it’s raining down on us,
Mosh pits outside the oval office
Someone’s trying to tell us something, maybe this is God just saying
we’re responsible for this monster, this coward, that we have empowered
This is Bin Laden, look at his head nodding,
How could we allow something like this, Without pumping our fist
Now this is our, final hour
Let me be the voice, and your strength, and your choice
Let me simplify the rhyme, just to amplify the noise
Try to amplify the times it, and multiply it by six
Teen million people are equal of this high pitch
Maybe we can reach Al Quaida through my speech
Let the President answer on high anarchy
Strap him with AK-47, let him go
Fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way
No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil
No more psychological warfare to trick us to think that we ain’t loyal
If we don’t serve our own country we’re patronizing a hero
Look in his eyes, it’s all lies, the stars and stripes
They’ve been swiped, washed out and wiped,
And Replaced with his own face, mosh now or die
If I get sniped tonight you’ll know why, because I told you to fight

So come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
Come with me, and I won’t steer you wrong
Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

[Eminem speaking angrily]
And as we proceed, to mosh through this desert storm, in these closing statements, if they should argue, let us beg to differ, as we set aside our differences, and assemble our own army, to disarm this weapon of mass destruction that we call our president, for the present, and mosh for the future of our next generation, to speak and be heard, Mr. President, Mr. Senator

96 thoughts on “eminem’s mosh

  1. saph

    DOH !

    eminem is as coward as the others !
    why did he release this video only few days before the final vote? didn’t he know that it takes time before millions people see a video clip?

    and god why did they ALL waken up only 4 years later ? I remember when the towers fell down : every rapper just shutted the fuck up .. did they feel scared to say “fuck bush” until now?

    I mean, everybody stand up and cry ” bush is a fake ; the truth has been hidden” … It’s been 2 years since i know that this war is a big mascarade !!! and i’m not alone.

    so, I think that this ” rising revelations ” are really useless.

    although, peace

  2. James

    Wow, how incredibly sad it is that the only renowned artist to oppose a completely immoral war is eminem. I commend eminem for his bravery, he is an example to all Americans. The United States government has absolutely no idea that they have destroyed another culture, to be honest they were better off with that pig saddam.

  3. angelina

    I think it’s really awesome that people are speaking up. Whatever a person’s views, I believe they should be allowed to express them. However, I’ve just read all of cd’s comments and to be honest, I can’t find a single intelligent arguement in any of them! I think most of the people reading this have grown up now and fail to be impressed by the contiuous use of the F-word anymore. It’s not big and it’s certainly not clever.
    Cd, if you have something to say, then say it, and if not, then just stop insulting everyone and keep quiet until you find something worth saying.


    ps – I’m not a fan of eminem really, but I respect anyone who’ll put themselves on the line to get their views across.

  4. Lozzy

    As a dutch citizen i am shocked america chose bush. am i glad not to be an american.

    i never liked eminem, then they showed us this video in societyclass. shocked i was again. amazing. finally sanity, gave a spark of hope. apparently not all americans are stupid egocentric jesuslovers with a huge superiority-complex.

  5. Lucas James

    A powerfull messege masterfully written and dilivered. And for all of the Bush supporters that have been bashing Kerry and telling Kerry supporters to “suck my dick”, “shut the fuck up”, and whatnot: do you have any real reasons for voting for Bush? I really want to see some logic on this matter. Many times I’ve seen people rooting for Bush, bashing Kerry, and telling Kerry supporters that they ‘suck’. I also notice that when I ask them what Bush has done for our country they have no clue what to say… aside from “you suck” and “shut up”. I’ve done my homework. I’m not a media brainwashed clone like the 51% of the country that voted for Bush. Find facts about the people you are insulting. And if you don’t know shit about them… well, you’ll look like an idiot. And who wants that? If you’re praising Bush then we’ve caught on that you’re an idiot. Unlike you guys (most Bush supporters), we don’t have to be clued in more than once.

    But seriously, I want to see some logic or reason on why you voted or wanted Bush to win. And I do mean other things than “bush rocks” or “he’s kept us alive for four years hasn’t he?”. That’s not much of a reason. Over forty other presidents have done all that. Exept THEY didn’t make a pre-empitive attack on a sovereign nation. Of course they didn’t do a lot of things that he did. Thank God.

    Ok, So I’ve been rambling on. Mosh in an amazing video. To all of you who dissagree: Try to make a better one.

    Now I’ll post a fake resume with real facts:

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Washington, DC 20520
    United States


    Law Enforcement:
    I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1976 for driving under the
    influence of alcohol. I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my driver’s
    license suspended for 30 days. My Texas driving record has been
    “lost” and is not available.

    I joined the Texas Air National Guard and went AWOL. I refused to
    take a drug test or answer any questions about my drug use. By
    joining the Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat duty
    in Vietnam.

    I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. I was a cheerleader.


    I ran for U.S. Congress and lost. I began my career in the oil
    business in Midland, Texas, in 1975. I bought an oil company, but
    couldn’t find any oil in Texas. The company went bankrupt shortly
    after I sold all my stock. I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team
    in a sweetheart deal that took land using taxpayer money. With the
    help of my father and our friends in the oil industry (including
    Enron CEO Ken Lay), I was elected governor of Texas.


    – I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil companies,
    making Texas the most polluted state in the Union. During my tenure,
    Houston replaced Los Angeles as the most smog-ridden city in America.
    – I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the tune of
    billions in borrowed money.
    – I set the record for the most executions by any governor in American history.
    – With the help of my brother, the governor of Florida, and my
    father’s appointments to the Supreme Court, I became President after
    losing by over 500,000 votes.


    – I am the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a
    criminal record.
    – I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over
    one billion dollars per week.
    – I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S. Treasury.
    – I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in U.S. history.
    – I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any
    12-month period.
    – I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.
    – I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of
    the U.S. stock market. In my first year in office, over 2 million
    Americans lost their jobs and that trend continues every month.
    – I’m proud that the members of my cabinet are the richest of any
    administration in U.S. history. My “poorest millionaire,” Condoleeza
    Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her.
    – I set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips by a U.S. President.
    – I am the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for receiving the
    most corporate campaign donations.
    – My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of my best
    friends, Kenneth Lay, presided over the largest corporate bankruptcy
    fraud in U.S. History, Enron.
    – My political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys
    to assure my success with the U.S. Supreme Court during my election
    – I have protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against
    investigation or prosecution. More time and money was spent
    investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent
    investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history. I
    presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and refused
    to intervene when corruption involving the oil industry was revealed.
    – I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history.
    – I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals to be
    awarded government contracts.
    – I appointed more convicted criminals to administration than any
    President in U.S. history.
    – I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest
    bureaucracy in the history of the United States government.
    – I’ve broken more international treaties than any President in U.S. history.
    – I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations
    remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.
    – I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law.
    – I refused to allow inspector’s access to U.S. “prisoners of war”
    detainees and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.
    – I am the first President in history to refuse United Nations
    election inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).
    – I set the record for fewest numbers of press conferences of any
    President since the advent of television.
    – I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year
    period. After taking off the entire month of August, I presided over
    the worst security failure in U.S. history.
    – I garnered the most sympathy ever for the U.S. after the World
    Trade Center attacks and less than a year later made the U.S. the
    most hated country in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in
    world history.
    – I have set the all-time record for most people worldwide to
    simultaneously protest me in public venues (15 million people),
    shattering the record for protests against any person in the history
    of mankind.
    – I am the first President in U.S. history to order an unprovoked,
    pre-emptive attack and the military occupation of a sovereign nation.
    I did so against the will of the United Nations, the majority of U.S.
    citizens, and the world community.
    – I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and support a cut
    in duty benefits for active duty troops and their families in wartime.
    – In my State of the Union Address, I lied about our reasons for
    attacking Iraq and then blamed the lies on our British friends.
    – I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans
    (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and
    – I am supporting development of a nuclear “Tactical Bunker Buster,” a WMD.
    – I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring Osama Bin Laden
    to justice.


    – All records of my tenure as governor of Texas are now in my
    father’s library, sealed and unavailable for public view.
    – All records of SEC investigations into my insider trading and my
    bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public
    – All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my Vice-President,
    attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and
    unavailable for public review.

    If that’s not enough, than you are ignorant.

  6. Loren

    its apparent that cd is very intelligent…most of the words on the blog are explitives…that shows a lot; it leads me to believe you have no facts to rest on so you are getting defensive and using the only thing you have left…profanity. Yes bush won..and it was a sad day..but in Ohio people will go to jail for monstrous lies in the tally of votes. And you better bet your butt that we will be worse off with Bush than with Kerry…after all who should you trust, the guy who already screwed up or the guy who hasn’t screwed up yet….I’m sorry so many Americans voted for Bush but I don’t believe that he was elected fairly…how is it that 20,000 more people voted in Ohio than were actually registered??? Mark my words, people will go to jail for this election, if I have to do it myself.

  7. preston

    Shim, two words: “Cliff’s Notes.”

    Awesome video. His lyrics along with the images in his video fill me with adrenaline. It’s unfortunate(& scary), though, at how my (Democratic) vote made VERY little difference here in Texas, aka “Bush Country.” But I am not surprised about Bush’s re-election; no president has ever lost a re-election during a time of war, period. Plain & simple, war is ugly & i’m hoping & praying our troops can get out of there(Iraq) ASAP with as much life preserved as possible.

  8. Pierre

    Hey guys, im south african but live in uk. EVERYONE here hates Bush, and most people here AT LEAST moderatly dislike Americans, but that is unfair, I try to be fair in my veiws on you guys but the fact that arseholes like CD are running the country then it is rather difficult. Bush cannot even speak English and is creating a negative ” I am american and I don’t care about other cultures, religions or beliefs” image. For the love of merciful CHRIST! Get rid of that DUMB**** occupying your government! Eminem’s video is entirely correct! GO!

  9. mine

    I love EMINEM and ı love everything about him.I always agree with him.this video clip is amazing ı think.his ideas about bush are completely true.

  10. fnord

    Clearly, Eminem is the best rapper in the whoooooooooole world!!! His motivations are so very pure as well. He surely has made millions from the release of this song. Sure, it’s been released for free on the internet, etc., but look at how many people who might not have listened to him or liked him before are now paying attention to him (and buying his sweatshirts, his cds, etc.).

    I especially loved the line in the song that says:

    “Maybe we can reach Al Quaida through my speech”

    I wonder wtf he’d say to Al Quaida if he ever got their ear. Maybe he’d ask one to be in his next video or something when they’re taking a break from blowing shit up. That’d be real cool.

    The video, though, was truly beautiful — very, very well designed. The music was awesome and the statements were very powerful (albeit stupid). It’s clear he’ll sway a few people and help organize the thoughts of those who are already misled by the likes of people such as Michael Moore.

    Capitalism is great, isn’t it? Eminem gets to make millions from people by putting down people he claims to be making millions off people haha. He *is* a genius.

  11. Kickaboxofpuppies

    “destroyed the fabric of this country” – How?

    “urging people to get out and vote” – We did Bush won.

    “sure hope that the youth get out to vote this time” – They did Bush won.

    “we really should hear more music with messages from artists” – Why can’t the average person have as much “voice” as someone popular or in the entertainment industry?

    “Eminem is the voice of people who cannot reach the amount of people he can” – Voice of who exactly?

    [Chorus: Eminem]

    Bitch I’ma kill you! You don’t wanna fuck with me
    Girls neither – you ain’t nuttin but a slut to me
    Bitch I’ma kill you! You ain’t got the balls to beef
    We ain’t gon’ never stop beefin I don’t squash the beef
    You better kill me! I’ma be another rapper dead
    for poppin off at the mouth with shit I shouldn’ta said
    But when they kill me – I’m bringin the world with me
    Bitches too! You ain’t nuttin but a girl to me
    .. I said you don’t, wanna fuck with Shady (cause why?)
    Cause Shady, will fuckin kill you (ah-haha)
    I said you don’t, wanna fuck with Shady (why?)
    Cause Shady, will fuckin kill you..

    “George W. Bush is an empty-headed ventriloquist dummy…” – for you – http://www.conspiracy-net.com

    “No more blood for oil” – Gas prices would be lower not higher if Bush’s intention was to secure forgien oil by force.

    “Bush told us that Saddam Hussien had weapons of mass destruction” – For good reason.


    “watch the world turn on America” – When has the rest of the world been in favor of America?

    Shim…. You need a hug?

    “better off with that pig saddam” – It’s to bad you don’t live in a country were women have no voice or education, and anyone not in agreement with the current government is tortured and beheaded in public.

  12. kickaboxofpuppies

    First of all this song was terrible without having anything to do with political veiws, it’s nothing but broken beats, dropped lyrics, and botched rhymes. And for the comments….

    destroyed the fabric of this country – How?

    urging people to get out and vote – We did Bush won.

    sure hope that the youth get out to vote this time – They did Bush won.

    we really should hear more music with messages from artists – Why can’t the average person have as much “voice” as someone popular or in the entertainment industry?

    Eminem is the voice of people who cannot reach the amount of people he can – Voice of who exactly?

    Chorus: Eminem

    Bitch I’ma kill you! You don’t wanna fuck with me
    Girls neither – you ain’t nuttin but a slut to me
    Bitch I’ma kill you! You ain’t got the balls to beef
    We ain’t gon’ never stop beefin I don’t squash the beef
    You better kill me! I’ma be another rapper dead
    for poppin off at the mouth with shit I shouldn’ta said
    But when they kill me – I’m bringin the world with me
    Bitches too! You ain’t nuttin but a girl to me
    .. I said you don’t, wanna fuck with Shady (cause why?)
    Cause Shady, will fuckin kill you (ah-haha)
    I said you don’t, wanna fuck with Shady (why?)
    Cause Shady, will fuckin kill you..

    George W. Bush is an empty-headed ventriloquist dummy… – for you – http://www.conspiracy-net.com

    No more blood for oil – Gas prices would be lower not higher if Bush’s intention was to secure forgien oil by force.

    Bush told us that Saddam Hussien had weapons of mass destruction – For good reason.

    watch the world turn on America – When has the rest of the world been in favor of America?

    Shim…. You need a hug?

    better off with that pig saddam – It’s to bad you don’t live in a country were women have no voice or education, and anyone not in agreement with the current government is tortured and beheaded in public.

  13. James

    When I stated that Iraq was “better off with that pig saddam” I did not condone what Saddam had done to Iraq, indeed he was a vicious slime ball. But I have a question for you, do you honestly think that Iraq is safer now? do you think that the Iraqi people feel more secure? and is it more likely to be beheaded in the Saddam regime than it is now? You must understand that I respect your arguement, but I do not see any other reason the US is in Iraq other than oil, why haven’t the americans invaded North Korea, where there is stone cold evidence that that ‘weapons of mass destruction’ are being produced as we speak? Mabye their shitting themselves because they actually might HAVE weapons of mass destruction?? One thing that strikes me about North Korea is that, unlike Iraq, they have hardly any natural resources. There is arguement being made by several geologists around the world to see between which countries have the most oil, Saudi Arabia or IRAQ? For those of you who live in the Middle East, like myself, you will know of the deteriorating political situation in Saudi Arabia? where on earth can America get their oil in Saudi Arabia falls to the fundementalists? ‘Why don’t we go destroy up that asshole who tried to kill my daddy? hes got plenty of it!!!’ please, there are plenty of countries with dictators as bad as, if not worse than Saddam, who kill thousands and thousands of people every year? what is the US doing about it? nothing. Bush couldn’t give a shit about anyone elses country, as long as he has his precious oil, if he’s not careful this could be Vietnam 2.

  14. Mermaid

    Wow. I listen to everyone and it makes me so sad that we can’t see the truth. America used to be the big brother to other countries. We were all about helping the under-dog and saving those who needed help. Now we are all about money, and big business and bullying. I think our president is a bully and the rest of the world is getting tired of it. We Americans need to mind our own business and try to make our own country better instead of messing around in everyone else’s business and telling them what to do. I don’t believe in war. Killing doesn’t solve anything. However, if Bush absolutely felt that he had to kill anybody, wouldn’t it have been smarter to send a team of 5 or 10 snipers to kill specific targets, rather than send a whole military to be killed and slaughter a whole other country of innocent people?
    Anyway, I used to have a problem with Eminem because I thought his lyrics were hateful and I feared that he was influencing too many people with such harsh, negative attitudes of violence, disrespect towards women and drug use, etc. But I must say… the Mosh video really moved me. I began to like Eminem a little more afer I saw 8 Mile, and now after the Mosh video, I believe he is on the right track. He does have a huge influence over this nation and probably the youth of several other countries. He has a powerful opportunity to reach people with his words and his Mosh video said something that needed to be said. It made us all stop and think. Whatever our views, at least we are thinking and speaking to each other about them. We got in this mess because so many of us are apathetic and we just don’t care about politics or who is running the world. But we need to open our eyes and see that it is up to each one of us to make this a better planet. We should stop focusing on our differences and our individuality and really see each other as just a part of the entire population that makes up this planet as a whole.
    God Bless Us All

  15. mike

    Who ever said eminem is a stupid rapper, are u really that Fu*king stupid, I mean if he was that god damn dumb do u really think that he would b able to milk all the money he has outta the american public and the world, I kno he had a damn hard childhood and basicly a hard life, but there are tons of people that had a shit life but werent able to make money on it, and he has a lot of talent, but im not discussin that right now.

    Now let me respond to some of Kickabox of puppies statements:

    “we really should hear more music with messages from artists” – Why can’t the average person have as much “voice” as someone popular or in the entertainment industry?”-Quote -my response- no sh** Gizmo, why cant the avgerage person have as much voice, ok to illustrate let me ask u a few questions: 1. Do the papparazi follow u everywhere to get pics of u pecause people like to read and look at pictures of u…..Ummmm no..2. Are you featured in magizines because your an avgerage person and does anyone write about you in that magizine…..Well no. 3. Are you on TV, is everything you say carfully listened to by fans…….no Wait i got one more 4. Do u have records that millions of people listen to……NOOOO.

    “George W. Bush is an empty-headed ventriloquist dummy…” – for you – http://www.conspiracy-net.com -Response- DUH, HE WAS A DAMN CHEERLEADER IN IN COLLEGE, HE IS NOT THAT BRIGHT.

    “Bush told us that Saddam Hussien had weapons of mass destruction” – For good reason. – What good reason…..WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY

    “better off with that pig saddam” – It’s to bad you don’t live in a country were women have no voice or education, and anyone not in agreement with the current government is tortured and beheaded in public.
    – WE cant rule these people in iraq, they are like animals(no offence to any one there, i am reffering to the way they are acting, not everyone there, just the rioters and fighters), Saddam was able to rule them by force, he was good at it, mabye thats the best way to keep order with these people.

  16. Cj

    I believe Eminem has definately proofed to be the best hero he can be.This music video is gut-damn superb.I’m not saying this because i’m Eminem’s biggest fan, but everyone across the world has seen what Bush has done to some young and innocent people,and that be a lesson to anyone who messes with Eminem’s country,Eminem’s world,Eminem’s people and everything that is around Eminem.

  17. EmInEmS lUvA gRl

    Eminem, the top-grossing rap star in America, took many people by surprise, when he first released “Mosh.

    It is obvious that the ever famous, humorous, Slim Shady had more on his mind then “cleaning out his closet and “but squeezing season. His track “Mosh was released in November, along with the rest of his CD, Encore. In this surprising song, Slim Shady, lyrically abuses and insults the current president of America, “George W. Bush, as well as reaching out to all Americans, and pleading and putting forward the urgency of voting for the right person to become president. “The song was a huge hit when we played it for a live audience during an MTV show. They all loved it! says MTV host, Aleysha Evans.

    “They tell us no’ we say yeah’. They tell us stop’, we say go’/ Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell, we gonna let him know/ Stomp, push, shove, mush, f*** Bush! / Until they bring our troops home/ Come on

    These lyrics are from “Mosh, where the ingenious Eminem speaks his mind, and doesn’t give any thought to the consequences. In the video clip of “Mosh, while Em is rapping out his lyrics, his battalion of urban foot soldiers march through rain-soaked streets, there is a sense that a heroic battle is about to happen. At the very beginning of the video, there is a scene that shows Em, reading a book, upside down, to a group of second grade children. This scene is meant to refresh our memories, about what Bush was doing on the 9-11 attacks.
    In another part of the clip, a soldier, who has just come back from war, finds that he has been re-assigned to Iraq. The face of the soldier, shows a range of emotions, going from shock, to fear, finally to outrage toward Bush, who is later on in the song, referred to “the weapon of mass destruction.
    Later, we see a woman reading an house eviction notice, while her children are watching the president talking about “tax cuts of TV.

    Eminem has been sued many times in the past for prejucing against celebrities, gay-bashing etc, but in “Mosh, critics have turned a blind eye to the song and have just said, that they think Eminem has made this song just to “boost record sales, by high lighting the tide of anti Bush populism.

    Unfortunately, since “Mosh was released only a week before the elections were held, not everybody had seen it, although the people who had, might have changed their views on Bush. Even if the songs late arrival gave only a limited impact on the vote, Eminem’s surprising political change has sent shivers down many peoples spines, although most fans have began to respect him more after listening to the song.

    Even after having his say on Bush, and reporting the powers of politics to the world, ultimately Eminem’s eternally lasting mantra remains the same as always, “I don’t give a f***.
    Many people raise an eyebrow at Eminem’s so called “offensive language, but, as many fans have already figured, if he didn’t say these things, he would not make as much impact on his listeners. His intended audience are teenagers, are he’s just being 100% real by saying these things. Eminem is being completely realistic by talking, acting and rapping this way, as in his home, town of “Detroit, this way of life is the “usual or “right way. He is rapping out the “flesh and blood, not just the skeleton.

    As most of “the real Slim Shady’s songs, are never based purely on romance, as some artists songs seem to be, Eminem has presented to the world, his new, elegant song “Mosh, in a very critical time in the United Stated Of America. This song is sure to be one day found among resources about the history of America, and many fans will be very, very proud. He has offered to any one who will listen to the song, “his heart on his hand, just to express the way he feels about
    America, and its leaders right now. Eminem, as well as everybody else, has freedom of speech to express their honesty and opinion, just as Em has done. He could very well, have been sued and put in jail for making such a creative response to what is happening in America, but, he didn’t care, as by doing this, he has alerted all the teenagers out there that listen to him, about the state America is in. We all should be very proud, that such artists are still alive and well out there, and we should be thankful that they still share their views about the world with us, unlike singers now, that have nothing better to sing about, than heart break and misfortune.

  18. Tucker

    I have learnd when eminem says to do somthing or says some one like limp bizket sucks i listen i think bush sucks they need to send him to the war with not an ak but just a shotgun thats it and he can fucking die there like thousands of us have.

  19. i agree with emenem

    well i think that bush was dumb to call war.cuz were not only losing more lives but were putting the future of newborn babies and soon to be daddies at risk of no future/when i first heard that war was gonna start i thought it was stupid.were going to war becuz ppl were killed but going to war is just killing more innocent people.well i agree with emenem “fuck bush”i really wanted kerry to win.since bush started war both of my brothers went to war.now my brother inlaw might go o yeah even my cuzin.if bush wants to start war he should go bak there and risk hes life for the us like what the soilders hes sending bak there are doing for him.wtf he should go fight war hes our leader but all hes leading us into is death.bush should fuckin go to war and take a risk for us like what my family did for us.

  20. rickelle

    hey there!well yeah umm…i really do agree with you.bush also started the war and sent out people and 4 of my damn cousins are out there tring to save us or who ever and bush is just doing what he wants.poeple didnt want to go there bush put them there.and if bush started it he should be the one fighting not other people.who the hell would want to go to war and maybe get killed because of the president.people didnt go to bush and say i want to be deployed to iraq.

  21. renee

    well yeah i no that f*cken dumb ass bush likes to f*cken start sh*t and then dont deal with it.he should be like the people out there fighting for him and deal with their own sh*t.but instead bush made them deal with his f*cken problem.see that dumb ass bush…instead of fighting iraq id fight bush.

  22. just me

    bush started war only thinking about himself.he didnt think about the heart ache people will being going through when there loved one goes to war.hes sending our family bak there and yes it really hurts to just find out there going but it hurts even more to know that they have no choice but to go cuz somedumb ass called war and if they dont serve their country they go to jail.i dont see the dumbass who called war getting up and trying to seve our country all i see is him getting the fame and getting everything he wants.wtf why do we have to have war were killing more ppl that were killed b4 yes people lost family on 9/11 and it is very heart breaking but bush just had to go and make more people die.wtf he should of thought twice b4 he called war damn man i just hate what he decided.my brother is now bak their and i am so scared.imagine the fathers well the soon to be dads when they found otu they were gonna be daddies but they dont come home to see their first child its b-cuz bush sent them off.yeah i blame bush for the death in fam;ies.he looks happy wile other ppl are crying and praying for their soldiers safe return.i think every one agrees.

  23. joan

    bush started war only thinking about himself.he didnt think about the heart ache people will being going through when there loved one goes to war.hes sending our family bak there and yes it really hurts to just find out there going but it hurts even more to know that they have no choice but to go cuz somedumb ass called war and if they dont serve their country they go to jail.i dont see the dumbass who called war getting up and trying to seve our country all i see is him getting the fame and getting everything he wants.wtf why do we have to have war were killing more ppl that were killed b4 yes people lost family on 9/11 and it is very heart breaking but bush just had to go and make more people die.wtf he should of thought twice b4 he called war damn man i just hate what he decided.my brother is now bak their and i am so scared.imagine the fathers well the soon to be dads when they found otu they were gonna be daddies but they dont come home to see their first child its b-cuz bush sent them off.yeah i blame bush for the death in fam;ies.he looks happy wile other ppl are crying and praying for their soldiers safe return.i think every one agrees.

  24. God

    You, know, it’s sad. I realize some of these posts are over a year old, but hell, the people are just so ineffably stupid.

    These Pro-Bush supporters, these mindless fools who attempt to deprecate Eminem, yet wind up making themselves look infinitely ignorant, uneducated and not possessing one original thought. Not one.

    The sad thing, is that people who say “oh, leave politics to those with an IQ over 90!” probably don’t even have the faintest idea how IQ tests work, what it is they comprise, or even the standard deviations.

    The president of our country got a paltry 1260 on the SATs… and you talk about him like he’s a genius. He’s an inarticulate ex-cokehead/alcoholic buffoon, who chokes on snackfood. What’s worse? He’s a blind, mindless/conformist Christian (even worse!? BORN-AGAIN Christian).

    Here’s one bright fellow’s take:

    “…I’m actually embarassed for the little pip-squeak.. Emenem clearly doesn’t understand current events and clearly does not see that the best way to combat terrorism is to spread freedom. This new video is a testemony to his lack of knowledge and sheds some frightening light on his coward-like view points.”

    Fuckwit. Pipsqueak is one word. You misspelled “Eminem.” You misspelled “testimony.” Coward-like is a made up hyphenation of two words which any normal person would simply write as “cowardly.” Did I mention you’re severely retarded?

    SPREAD FREEDOM? DID YOU SEE THE FOOTAGE, YOU MINDLESS PIECE OF SHIT? Our troops listen to Metallica while they murder men women and children (civillians). Go suck a fat dick. You make me sick.

  25. God

    You, know, it’s sad. I realize some of these posts are over a year old, but hell, the people are just so ineffably stupid.

    These Pro-Bush supporters, these mindless fools who attempt to deprecate Eminem, yet wind up making themselves look infinitely ignorant, uneducated and not possessing one original thought. Not one.

    The sad thing, is that people who say “oh, leave politics to those with an IQ over 90!” probably don’t even have the faintest idea how IQ tests work, what it is they comprise, or even the standard deviations.

    The president of our country got a paltry 1260 on the SATs… and you talk about him like he’s a genius. He’s an inarticulate ex-cokehead/alcoholic buffoon, who chokes on snackfood. What’s worse? He’s a blind, mindless/conformist Christian (even worse!? BORN-AGAIN Christian).

    Here’s one bright fellow’s take:

    “…I’m actually embarassed for the little pip-squeak.. Emenem clearly doesn’t understand current events and clearly does not see that the best way to combat terrorism is to spread freedom. This new video is a testemony to his lack of knowledge and sheds some frightening light on his coward-like view points.”

    Fuckwit. Pipsqueak is one word. You misspelled “Eminem.” You misspelled “testimony.” Coward-like is a made up hyphenation of two words which any normal person would simply write as “cowardly.” Did I mention you’re severely retarded?

    SPREAD FREEDOM? DID YOU SEE THE FOOTAGE, YOU MINDLESS PIECE OF SHIT? Our troops listen to Metallica while they murder men women and children (civillians). Go suck a fat dick. You make me sick.

  26. christian

    wat ap ur my ital im a kid so can u rit mi a rap
    on my imaill by doud o ya i had caser wen i was 3
    bat naw its gon in 10 by

  27. Courtney Gidts

    I’ve managed to save up roughly $22681 in my bank account, but I’m not sure if I should buy a house or not. Do you think the market is stable or do you think that home prices will decrease by a lot?

  28. bryce

    to eminem eminem i am your biggest fan you rock eminem i don’t want you to retire i want to meet you because you rock

  29. bryce

    to eminem this bryce again i just don’t want you to retire i am 9 years old you rock i am going to meet you i am your biggest fan in the world my mom and dad think you are the best to they want to meet you to they don’t want you to retire either i can’t want to meet you eminem

  30. superman

    feminem is such a pussy not even as
    tall as a girl. what a faggot bitch
    cocksucker he is. he must have
    sucked a lot of cock to get his cd. hes a talentless coward and whore for the music industry.

  31. rickelle rivera

    hey…well yeah…i really like your song…its like one of my favs…i dont really have muc but this one…wow…its amazing…well yeah i better let you bo so bye…

  32. rap gansta from Arkansas

    hey i think eminem has a lot of courage but i think that if u have a prob with how he expresses himself go to hell everyone has a diff way to express themself his is just by song which is an awsome way. I think that eminem has a right to express himself the way he wants so leave him the f**k alon a-ight i mean really he’s awsome he has a mind most would want he’s not afraid to stick up for what he believes in so oh well but don’t diss him he’s having tough times now so don’t piss him off bye

  33. rap gansta from arkansas

    i love eminem he has alot af courage to say what he does so really don’t diss him if u have a problem with him keep it to yourself just shut the hell up don’t diss him i love him but everyone thinks his just trying to say that we should not have to deal with the shit he has dealt with but everyone goes through that but hey i live with my mom right now but she hates me so i kinda know what he’s going through i didn’t know my father neither so i have to go through my entire life with out knowing and so yeah but eminem has the right way to express himself and if you don’t like it shut up if you listen to eminem you know that rap is his life and he loves to express him that way.

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