practicing the word ‘no’

The next 6 weeks are going to be brutal. There are not enough hours in the day to do what I need to do. I’m in the throes of my dissertation and the MacArthur write-up. I’m working hard to cancel and push aside everything else. Draft #1 of my dissertation needs to be done by May. It needs to be cleaned up, packaged, processed, and signed by the end of summer. I will be a little more flex during the summer, but I will still be pretty wack until this is out the door.

Please accept my apologies if I say no to you, if I don’t respond, or if I’m otherwise absent. My blogging will probably be sporadic and weird. I’m not reading blogs; I’m barely reading email. My apologies to my friends, to the press, to academics, to everyone. I need to prioritize me for a bit (and not in any fun kinda way since I have no life).

Most of you know by now that I’ve been getting more and more hibernatory, so this probably isn’t a surprise. But I wanted to put it out there, visible and public, cuz I feel uber bad at the number of people I’m having to say no to. Don’t take it personally. Think of me as on vacation. Only I won’t come back refreshed.. Hmm…

Ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows…

(Those wishing me to speak at XYZ in the fall, please contact my agent.)

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9 thoughts on “practicing the word ‘no’

  1. Hollie

    Hang in there danah! I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you! Just FYI so I don’t have to email- the little one due in July is a GIRL, and will be named Kara Bethany (thought you might like the name 🙂

  2. arvind s grover

    Ack, I just sent you an e-mail and then read this e-mail. Luckily I cc’d your agent, so hopefully you can just ignore my e-mail while they deal with me.

    Good luck with the writing!

  3. Joergen S

    Thanks for all your efforts to analyze the social pages in a way so even an elderly European male is very eager to read your blog andanalyzes.

    Good luck with the academic exercises and have a nice summer

  4. Tito

    Are you serious? just when I was getting into your blog!! I’m just kidding! Good luck 🙂

  5. boh

    Saw a teen flic yesterday night, named ‘Never Back Down’ about mixed martial arts fighting amongst kids in Florida. It had the whole sort of thing, that Danah Boyd comments about, of kids with mobile video players, recorders, wireless bandwidth etc – very interesting Howard as an anthropological view of today’s teen culture. The movie, I am pleased to say was also a well targeted at tackling teenage suburban obescity. And if you looked hard enough, I am sure there is even a dash of good ‘ole ‘eastern philosophy’ thrown in for good measure.


  6. Imar

    Came across your blog while doing some web research on technological determinism, and then saw this entry. Made me smile and relate, because I am in almost the exact same situation right now; a little less than eight weeks to go before I have to hand in the final draft of my dissertation on idealised ideas of communication in wireless technology discourse!

    Hang in there, keep saying no, as it is the only way you’ll get things done, believe me 🙂 Good luck!

  7. Imar

    Came across your blog while doing some web research on technological determinism, and then saw this entry. Made me smile and relate, because I am in almost the exact same situation right now; a little less than eight weeks to go before I have to hand in the final draft of my dissertation on idealised ideas of communication in wireless technology discourse!

    Hang in there, keep saying no, as it is the only way you’ll get things done, believe me 🙂 Good luck!

  8. Elisa Connelley

    Why ever would you waste time feeling guilt? Especially over setting limits, choosing your YES moments? Taking proper care of yourself? Who cares what others think?
    Wasting time being infected by this growing cancer that the idea of NO is bad would not be of benefit. 🙂

    I absolve you of all guilt, now, give yourself a mister yuck sticker each time you make an excuse for a choice you make. And a wonderful shiny star sticker for each time you empower yourself and have JOY, because you didn’t give yourself away!

    🙂 Good Luck! Elisa Connelley

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