structured procrastination

I hate cleaning my room, but it is wonderfully clean for the first time in months. Why? Because i have a two mile long To-Do list that makes me shudder. Reading email is no longer a procrastination devices for me because it is full of stressful reminders of what i haven’t done. So, it is on the to-do list. Thankfully, in blog procrastination, i found an essay on Structured Procrastination, kindly validating my procrastinating tendencies. (Tx Caterina)

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3 thoughts on “structured procrastination

  1. Logan

    I often find that procrastinating by cleaning my room serves a very important function: it brings some visual semblance of order to my life. This helps me feel like I’ve gained some sort of grasp on getting things under control again. Usually my sense of mental organization and control follows pretty quickly. I guess my mom was right all those times: A clean room is essential for studying.

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