
Ok.. so i never remember my dreams, which is why i never recorded them here even though old friends of mine used to use their blog for precisely that. But somehow, today, i managed to actually hold on to bits of mine…

I was standing in line to get Howard Zinn’s autograph. Although i wanted to get it on People’s History, i only had one of a million copies of The Vagina Monologues on me, so i planned to get his script there (which is weird given my reasoning for getting authors’ signatures). When i got to the front of the line, the book’s cover fell off, but he signed it anyhow like it was no big deal. And then he started giving me advice about life before he was joined by James Bond who was also giving me advice. Somehow everyone else disappeared and we all got into this really fascinating discussion about the meaning of life. Then, we were outside of the school hall where signatures were happening and were on a cruise boat and Zinn and Judith Butler were sharing a cabin and trying to get me to join them for lunch, but somehow i was busy and had to go….

When i woke, NPR’s Connection was just starting a piece on James Bond… I wonder what other NPR discussions i slept through (luckily there were no sniper conversations in my dream).

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