ah! last nite was so american raver nite. at 10 pm, jon and i met in a parking lot with a ton of other people to learn where the secret location of the party would be. once we got it, we started a caravan of cars out to the parking lot. there, we took a smaller shuttle of people to the edge of a road where they dropped us off and we ran into the woods. unfortunately, this was the wrong place and we ended up jumping back into the car and heading out for the “correct” place. all commando style of course. no talking, minimum headlights, etc. then, when dropped off at the correct place, we raced into the woods where “ninjas” picked us up with glow sticks and took us on a 1/4 mile hike through the woods to the sand dunes where the party was to be held. mind you, the location was determined by a satellite picture of the area, so we were pretty damn far away from civilization. frankly, i didn’t realize that this section of the country had such sand dunes, but sure enough!

it was so wonderful to be at an outdoor rave with so many friends and people that i know. blacklights, glow sticks, djs, drums… wonderful. noone was able to get drugs for the party so it was pretty dry. i danced, and chilled and talked with people all nite. most of my nite was actually spent with a friend who has graduated. he was one of those people in my years at school that gives me a chill vibe ALWAYS. anyhow, for the first time, we actually sat down and talked … all nite. that was super cool!

morning reached and i couldn’t bare to stay up any longer so i went to the dorm room of a friend and begged her to let me take a shower and sleep. she laughed and let me in. i crashed all day in her room while my companion went off chasing girls and watching movies. it was exciting and playful!

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