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September 2007 Archives

September 5, 2007

on being a homosexual

"I still see homosexuality as a narrative of urban adventure, a chance to cross not only sex barriers but class and age barriers, while breaking a few laws in the process—and all for the sake of pleasure. If not, I might as well be straight."

-- Bruce Benderson, Village Voice

September 13, 2007


"There's more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it... We were a society dying, said Aunt Lydia, of too much choice."

-- from Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, 24-25

September 14, 2007

definition of lulworth

"LULWORTH (n.) - Measure of conversation. A lulworth defines the amount of the length, loudness and embarrassment of a statement you make when everyone else in the room unaccountably stops talking at the same time."

-- Douglas Adams and John Lloyd, The Meaning of Liff (tx to confused of calcutta)

friendship on SNS

There's some deep part of your brain that instinctively wants to make connections with other human beings. Even when you do something as superficial as click a button on a website to confirm that somebody you've already known for ten years is your friend, that bit of your brain experiences a little 'ping' of happiness.

This is why social networks like Friendster, MySpace and Facebook work. Once they've tricked you into signing up, you have to find everyone else you know who is also on the service and connect to them. When you run out of people to connect to, you have to tell everyone you know to get an account so you can connect to them again. Because it's fun. And it's fun because people are fun, even if they're people you see every day, and have no need to interact with over the Internet.

Eventually you run out of real friends to add. At this point you have three options:

1. Find some other feature of the site to keep you logging in
2. Gradually lose interest, returning every month or two to see if anyone else has added you
3. Radically lower your standards

-- Charles Miller, "On Social Networks" (Sept 14, 2007)

September 17, 2007

"dictionary dancing"

"Won for one, too for two, free for three, for for four, hive for five... and so on... This is what they called 'dictionary dancing'."

-- Fiona Romeo, explaining the battle between young users and Club Penguin over the ban of numbers

September 30, 2007

"identity crash"

"Identity crash: Sudden and catastrophic collapse of an individual's ability to keep all the threads of his or her online identity straight when the individual joins one too many social networks. Example: I was ok keeping up with Facebook, Flickr, and Myspace, but after throwing lawlink, Last.fm, and Orkut into the mix, I had a total identity crash and forgot what went where."

-- Urban Dictionary (tx Becky)

About September 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Quotables in September 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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