9/28/04 Next week: we will have a guest lecturer ??? - it's a secret Issue of abortion -framing: baby versus fetus --moral issue: conservatives see these two common elements as coming from two places 1. women going back to work -- put work before family 2. girls who have sex out of wedlock -- control of women is the issue: in the strict father paradigm, the father controls all women around him -- anti-abortion is also consistent for them with being against providing prenatal care for low income women and against welfare ---- lack of discipline on the women's part put them there, and if they had discipline, they would either raise the children (facing consequences) or they would say no to sex to begin with ---- conservative women also believe that women should just say no.... ---- so why are they interested in controlling women after they are pregnant... with pre-natal care and welfare.... doesn't take into account rape and other issues .. ---- has to do with edge issues, and slippery slopes, where if you allow one thing, the rest will follow ---- example, nancy pelosi introduced a bill to pay for US military women who are raped, and get pregnant, will have their abortions covered by the US military hospitals... currently they have to go to France to do this.. there is an assumption in the military that "men will be men" -- the military imports prostitutes from other countries to service men -- done currently in the middle east.. ---- metonymic issue.. there is control of women because of the order of hierarchy that exists ---- there are also more progressive conservatives that see abortion as taking a life, and that's why this issue is a wedge issue ---- moral duty to stop women from killing their own babies... so what is the opposite: -- currently, the progressive position: no one likes abortion, but need women to be safe, and don't want men controlling women and so it's an issue for or in support of women... ---- they see it as an embryo, not a baby -- it's only a baby when she makes it so.. How do you talk to conservatives? Ask: who do you care about? How are you responsible for those people... empathy, fulfillment in life... other values, and then ask how a person would see putting those values into practice... and then see where their moral limits are, and then see if you have some room to discuss this.. Language used by the right: mother is not present in the language.. cover of newsweek a little over a year ago.. fetus in a space bubble.. there was no mother in the picture.. and the question on the cover was: does the fetus have rights.. so it's a frame that is disconnected from the mother.. Lacie Peterson -- the mother intended to keep the baby, so therefore most people when asked see her murder as a double murder.. even though many of them probably are for abortion... Term abortion: disaster in itself... aborting a mission is a bad thing.. whereas ending a pregnancy is not necessarily so.. If the term is so ingrained in culture... assumptions and stereotypes are not to break it down.. is there a way to get past it.. because abortion is ceases to be about abort... What does the arguments given in Moral Politics have to do with cogsci? What makes all the stuff here about cogsci? Frames and cogsci models are very similar... they sit at the back of the mind.. Some cogsci theory is sort of like the old AI theory, where the mind is separate from the body and structures are set up to account for that view.... another area that may be untapped: cognitive flexibility and developmental cogsci.. cog linguistics is part of cog sci.. but it's more that the mechanisms but also memories.. cog semantics... frames and platonomies are the basic components.. other sciences like polysci abstract above them.. they look at responses to polls, or coding behavior, but not why people do what they do.. there is an assumption of the rational actor.. economics thinks that people are rational actors and will act accordingly depending Philosophy in the Flesh, Ch 24.. Bob Powell in PolySci department and teaches the rational actor model, but also knows its shortcomings... Lakoff sat down with him --- asked what is the pure math that describes this... Powell couldn't find anything on bookshelf or elsewhere... so they decided to make a math model.. pure math.. and it's some probability theory with some formal systems theory.. ---- the math says nothing about rationality or choice.. just pure math.. ---- why should you take this pure math as rational choice: the answer is metaphor.. ----- need three layers of this metaphor to see this.. ---- have to assume that a firm is a rational actor... Danny .. showed that on this definition of rational actor, people are irrational.. in case after case people don't rationalize with it.. when you reason doing frames and prototypes.. you violate probability.. EX: he says, which is more likely, there will be a major earthquake on the west coast, resulting in a tidal wave killing 1000 people.. or same in africa.. overwhelmingly, people answer No 1, people in US live near the shore, and so ordinary people don't reason to probabiliy theory, and the more conditions you apply to a question, and esp if it applies to a cognitive frame, they will esp give the irrational answer... Also, if there is a change in your life, and things get better, sets a new baseline, and then if things go back to normal, people are disappointed... though things are back to normal... the rational actor model says this shouldn't happen.. ordinary login doesn't affect things because people are operating with frames, scripts for action, frames will trump facts.. if you get facts that don't make sense, you will ignore them There is a part of the brain that links the precortal cortex that allows you to have empathy.. and someone did a study that showed conservative have less mirror neurons than liberals... fire when you perform an action or see someone else doing the same thing... why? first discovered in monkeys and then in people... precortal cortex connected with pre-motor cortex.. and the precortal thinks of doing something, and the pre-motor choreograph the action.. tune those connections to what I'm doing, and when seeing someone else doing same thing, know the action and the sequence in the brain.. so when seeing others doing something, there can also be an emotional connection that develops, ---Paul Eckman did a study of people around the world and found that people had similar muscular -- by age 5, half of neural connections die off... if they are not used... if empathy is not developed, those neurons will die off.. autistic children have the same issues in some cases.... important things to understand to see the cogsci cases.. and it doesn't appear to be reversible... EX: free-speech movement has some people who were militant.. nurturant goals but strict father means... What does this say about empathy... People brought up neglected or abused: lack nurturance... and are angry people --- fear has a place in the strict father model... Cog sci comes in here: critic of an Interview of Lakoff... was in the New Republic, and Jonathan Shake, who was pro-war and hated Dean, did the anti-Dean blog. So Dean cited Lakoff, about moving to the center, why is it that the christians move to the center and Republicans get more votes, and the Liberals move to the center, and Democrats don't get more votes because they alienate their own base... Democrats would do better with appealing to their base... swing voters are those that move ... the way to get them to apply your model in politics means you talk in terms of your model: Reagan talked in terms of their metaphors: the home and politics together.. using the strict father model.. Karl Rove pointed this out.. swing voters are gotten by talking to your base... because you are also talking to swing voters.. False model for democrats... polls will help.. but for Lakoff's ideas, polls won't show this.. but a candidate is a product you are trying to sell, and the positions are the properties... if they want the product, they vote for the candidate... but for democrats, moving to the center, means activating the right wing side and therefore losing your base and the swing... Democrats have a false theory of the electorate.. and of how people vote: give people the facts and they will reach the right conclusion.. and they see framing as spin... and resist it.. Liberals follow polls, to see how people will vote.. and conservatives read polls... to see how to frame an issue.. VARIATIONS IN CONVERSATIONS: Ch .. in Moral Politics Radio Cathodes Identified the common types of liberals and conservatives... radial categories... there are central cases and then variations: 1. are you an idealist or a pragmatist... strict and uncompromising, or nurturant and uncompromising... People will ask, is Kerry liberal? For some, it's all or nothing, and he's not all.. Pragmatist says, does something work or not... Clinton: can we take the attacks on welfare, and change the system and say that we've fixed it? Political pragmatists: can you vote the way you want and stay in office? 2. Means verses ends: strict father means and nurturant parent ends... or nurturant parent means and strict father ends can have different values associated with parts of the model.. -- care about fairness or the care of people, or community... -- libertarians: care about the strict father not meddling in our lives.. ----- fit into the moral plus plus as do conservatives... but also ----- two types: progressive and conservatives conservative: freedom from strict father and freedom from self-interest progressive: -- thorough going conservative: says everything applies, and have to use government to enforce it 3. modes of thought: fiscal conservatives who apply strict father morality with money social conservatives who say all social life should be governed by strict father strict father model defines the types... identity politics liberals: we've been oppressed and we deserve our share now green liberals: about conservation spiritual liberals: spiritual practice involves community service civil libertarian liberals: our liberties are being trampled 2 more... models themselves generate the typology.... Strict father model does operate with hierarchy, but not always... Read NYU speech by John Kerry - liberal condemnation of the war... Conservative feminism: p. 299 of Moral Politics types of feminism: work done by Alan Schwartz, first cogsci and women's studies major -- what he did was ask himself... does this make any sense of all these different forms of feminism.. and asked, what is gender? What do people mean by that? -- theory, there are strong men and strong women, .... sexual initiation model: men initiate, and women respond, morality model: men have morality based on laws and strict ideas, women on morality and karma... these are stereotypes and when put together, you get a super-stereotype.. and based on that, there is a definition of gender.... Schwartz then tried to define feminism... look at it in general and liberal in particular, there is a part that is general: feminism says these gender stereotypes exist, and .... and that gives men a dominant position is society.. and every form of feminism seems to say this... So what are the types: liberal: takes individual rights as a moral focus... its a form of liberalism... taking a notion of liberalism and adding it to feminism... says people are equal so feminism version is genders are equal... with money, social status, and power-- look at what women are paid, their power and social status to figure out equality each kind of fem. has a form of inquiry: what is form? rational inquiry: reason, rational thought, studies to see what's there.. radical fem: radical politics and fem... denies the validity of gender stereotypes... strict equality and power... at home, with childcare, bicultural fem: says women are superior, goddess, women have a better way of thinking, this comes from the idea that they are built to have children... natural to be superior ecofeminism: ecology and feminism go together... lesbian feminism: women of color feminism: those other feminisms are for rich white ladies... we have to earn a living.. this is survival... and about getting respect for who we are.. Conservative fem: there are types... Women can be strict mothers.. and the fathers can be strict with kids, but we should be responsible for ourselves.. our bodies, or work, our lives.. advocates independence, but individual responsibility... Conservative goddess fem: women describe hard lives and say the only way to do it is because of the goddess, the power vortex, the moon... Pathologies and distortions: strict father morality: pathology of it is too much punishment... racism, fascism, sexist, these are the extreme versions... nurturant model: smothering or permissive, don't insist that they become responsibility or empathy for others... children do whatever feels good, not what's right.. Women in strict father: mommy is there to uphold daddy's position.. but not strong enough to raise or punish kids...