CLASS 2 - 09/07/04 Framing... waffle, means going back and fourth a little.. flip flopping has an image of weakness.. going from one side to the other.. Readings: tried to describe what is scientific about this.. what makes this a kind of a science, an explanation? -an attempt to use some the evidence to find some sort of explanation or some sort of hypothesis about the execution -policy decisions: they are not stating their philosophy explicitly, so you try to go to the outcomes to see what's happening.. -Contract with America -- trying to find the goals to find the philosophies.. to see why the same person who sees this, sees that.. why are positions natural? --striking, the lack of explanation.. the person who is against abortion, is also against taxation.. --why would they listen to rush limbaugh, and understand that logic --what is the evidence? forms of reasoning.. that is when they go through a reasoning process.. --read Frank luntz.. what makes those arguments more baffling.. ---equate holding power with morality.. ---Sadam was the villian in the first frame, but you can't negotiate with villains.. inherently evil.. so therefore people act on the basis of their essence.. ----idea is, if you can show what the essence is, you can reason off of it.. ----idea: people are suffering, we can do something at an insignificant cost.. so we should help.. ----data? actions taken... are those data? ----need to know for a particular action what the reason is.. when you are trying to account for data distortion.. -take the speeches.. how do they fit together.. does it take more than one speech to see the whole? -have to look at speeches.. the body language is important to see what role they are playing.. everything that seems accidental is actually an indicator.. how do conservatives understand liberals and how do liberals understand conservatives -- conservatives: people whose house burning because of forest fire-- it's not their fault, it's an act of god, where as if it happened because of something stupid they did, where they weren't as disciplined... so therefore they don't deserve help.. -- if you are strong and resolute, you will overcome.. but natural causes are not your fault.. -- regarding hollywood, there is the strict father theory.. where you are thought to be shaped by what you see.. and if you have immorality.. and you see it, it might change you or shape you, like a cancer... hollywood is like a child that does whatever feels good.. and keeps you from becoming moral and disciplined.. -- the right uses nature metaphor to understand economy.. so why isn't that extended to describe victims of economy? there are no victims of economy.. only people who weren't disciplined.. Why should conservatives who are pro-life be against pre-natal care? If the woman got pregnant, she has to take responsibility... not societies responsibility.. Case of someone in favor of CA single payer initiative.. to speak to SD women's groups.. and he assumed that conservatives were greedy.. so he argued on basis of financial self interest.. where 35% goes to investors, so you could save money, but the response was that people would be paying for others.. and they would not be taking responsibility for themselves.. Government's role is protecting, so prisons and military budgets are okay, but paying for things people don't earn is immoral because they didn't earn it.. Will framing things in terms of self interest work on conservatives.. conservatives are anti-materialism... Liberals are always talking about materialism and conservatives talk about spiritualism.. Liberals are more materialist on the surface.. where as conservatives are more spiritual on the surface.. Conservatives are against drugs because they work against discipline.. they see the ills of society having to do with discipline.. ownership is a reward for discipline.. inheritance is your right to do with your money what you want, and you are not depriving your kids of earning it for themselves.. kids of wealthy people have essence of parent, so they deserve it because they are good people.. --- immigrant view at RNC was that it might take generations to find success.. everybody can rise.. people believe, in this frame, that it's individual by individual.. the productivity of individuals is what does it.. cog sci says you believe the things you hear over and over -- so the strict father upbringing fits unconsciously into the frames of many people who grew up with it... hierarchy: western above non-western.. christian above non-christian.. "the soft racism of low expectations" - this frame is used to counter the one where you might give the underprivileged things like food and shelter and education.. structures in brains are set.. people understand large groups in terms of smaller structured groups.. and whatever way they were set, is the end result of their frames as applied out in adulthood... where the strict father or nurturing parent metaphors make sense .. example: people in berkeley free speech movement who've become rabid conservatives.. but when they started, they were in authoritarian framework organizations.. doing free speech work.. so they actually kept the same frame all along.. Moral accounting metaphor: idea is that if you look at the metaphors for morality around the world, there are several of them.. and one of the major ones is accounting: well being is wealth.. "i'm in your debt" "how can i repay you?" "i owe you" -- morality is a debt.. that you have to pay.. -- legal debts.. you borrow money, you pay it back... but the act of repayment is seen as a moral act.. and not repaying is immoral.. -- settling the debt is moral credit.. like good credit verses bad credit.. Moral arithmetic (has different models): in accounting, there are debits and credits... canceling a debt after a trade for credit in interaction.. there is harm.. for restitution.. do some harm, and pay restitution.. get credit.. so a prison system with rehabilitation is moral in this system.. "time off for good behavior" or "paying debt to society".... or there is retribution, where you do something bad, so something equally bad happens... so with retribution, the virtue of balancing the books goes with the judge, or jury.. or there is revenge.. where if you do something bad, and someone balances the books by taking something from you, then you get moral credit for that bad revenge act... or there is turning the other cheek.. where someone does something bad to you, they then owe you.. the German word for guilt is debt.. or there is Karma.. so if you do good, good with come, do bad and bad will come.. what goes around comes around... ---Notion of risk is involved.. and insurance payments are based on these ideas --- what happens in other forms of exchange? ---- what is owed to whom? employer and employee? for many employers, the employer owes work, and for many obedience... it's part of the strict father system.. --- so what you owe varies.. and there are rights and duties, about what you owe to people... Fairness -- major value in all forms of politics.. involves moral accounting.. 8 forms and there are different models -- equality of distribution -- equal opportunity to win or get jobs -- procedural distribution -- by playing by rules you can get.. -- right space fairness -- you get what you have a right to.. and that's fair -- need based fairness -- scaler distribution.. the more you work, the more you get -- contractual distribution.. you get what you agreed to.. -- equal distribution of responsibility.. -- scaler distribution of power fairness has to do with exchange.. what you get on what basis.. so who uses what model and when, and why? Ch4 is about exchange, distribution, complexity.. liberals and conservatives think different things are fair.. Conservatives ask: is it other's responsibilities to make up for the unfairness of life? One thing in these chapters.. metaphors for morality: zell miller.. GWB has a heart of gold and a spine of steel... assumptions, the world is difficult, dangerous; discipline will get you rewards.. need strict father to protect from danger, teach discipline, teach right from wrong.. only one way to do this is painful punishment.. which is a form of love.. Competition: will always exist.. there will always be winners and losers.. so competitive sports will always be important.. Success becomes a sign of discipline.. and therefore being moral.. If everyone could have everything they wanted.. the strict father system says that would be hell because all order would go out of the world, there would be no discipline.. that would be bad.. so it's important that scarcity be preserved.. and that competition exist.. Strict father defines as the moral equivalent: power.. man above nature, adults above children, America above other countries, men above women.. straights above gays.. Talk about natural law.. assumes a natural hierarchy.. people who are more moral have more... power, money, etc. and is justified on religious grounds.. god is all good and all powerful.. defines the top of the hierarchy.. have conservatives reasoning that God wants conservatives running the country -- "the moral order" Major metaphor: moral strength.. being good is being upright, being bad is down.. upstanding citizen, heaven is up, hell is down, doing evil is a fall from grace, evil is a force in the world.. moral weakness is a form of evil.. "Spine of tempered steel" - metaphor of essense, character is essense.. determines how you will act morally.. This has great consequences.. the world is divided into good and evil.. have to be morally strong.. self discipline and self denial.. a sign of moral weakness is self indulgence.. conservatives naturally seek any form of self indulgence as wrong.. self indulgence is a reward though for hard work.. There is a legitimate moral authority. Justice: what is it from this point of view? What about the three strikes and you're out law? what you do is dependent on your essences are, what the properties are? so if you've failed three times to act morally, you are of bad essense.. even with discipline, there is a tendency to go back.. so the discipline must be maintained.. "transgress" means to go across a boundary.. and if there is a path of righteousness... deviant behavior is crossing a moral boundary.. and there can be another moral wrong by leading others this way... so that is an argument against homosexuality... someone with integrity.. is someone who does what they say they will do... Moral self interest: part of the model is that it's moral to pursue your own well being.. and if you do, the morality of the world is maximized.. priorities.. some over others... perimeters of variations.. determine types of conservatives... can have linear scales.. violate a rule to a degree.. a degree of violation.. a pragmatic idealist.. a pragmatic conservative who has ideals but is willing to sacrifice them to get things done... Moral focus: pick an issue as the defining issue of their lives.. some thing they care about more than anything else... Nurturing parent model: have equality of parents, and the primal experience is being cared for and caring for others... must be responsible for yourself in order to be responsible for others.. strong, competent, educated, nurturer of children and raise them to nurture.. to raise the child to nurture and take care of others, be responsible, educated, competent.. difference from permissive parents.. who does not raise to be empathetic, responsible or competent... conservatives always mistake nurturing for permissive.. permissive being mean, stupid and irrational, greedy.... With empathy and responsibility, everything else follows.. politically you have environmental, worker, and health protection... if you are a nurturant, you want your child to be happy and fulfilled.. happiness is important.. if a child is going to be happy in life, the child needs to be prosperous and that requires opportunity.. live in a community.. need a "village" to raise kids... need to do community building.. if there is community, need cooperation.. not so competitive.. need to be trustworthy.. honesty and trust are crucial... empathy .. requires open communication.. they are the progressive political values.. there are different metaphors.. morality is empathy.. "i know what it's like to be in your shoes".. morality is fulfillment.. empathy.. self-development.. have to be strong to take care of yourself and others... nothing against moral self interest provided you do all the other stuff first.... morality and justice? justice is restitution... if a child does something wrong.. allow them to do something to make up for it..